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Algorithms 6: Logically speaking

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Edited by Martin Thomas Humby, Sunday, 26 Jul 2015, 20:06

To write software that behaves how we want it to a line of reasoning we have devised is hard-coded into the system. In most cases Boolean logic suffices: a condition is true or false, there is no probably about it. Software that uses this kind of reasoning, and sometimes probabilistic reasoning as well, can be described as being rule based with logical expressions providing the rules.

Python supplies two expressions to evaluate the truth of a condition and take appropriate action: if<condition is true> and while <condition is true>. The other loop construct for <variable> in something is predominately unconditional: the only time such a loop will not be entered is when something is an empty set or sequence or an empty range of values. This is not the case in C etc. where a for loop is a while loop with optional extras.


The comparison operators provide basic generation of Boolean values. To investigate their usage the Python Console supplies a convenient environment. It works like a calculator with access to the full range of Python syntax and provides immediate evaluation of results: no print statements required. It can be run from a command window with C:\Python34\python.exe but it may be easier to start PyCharm and select the Python Console tab on the bottom bar. Simply type in comparisons at the >>> prompt and press return. My session went as follows:

Python 3.4.2 (v3.4.2:ab2c023a9432, Oct  6 2014, 22:15:05) [MSC v.1600 32 bit (Intel)] on win32
>>> 10 == 10 # equality 'equals'
>>> 10 != 10 # inequality 'not equal'
>>> 10 < 10 # strictly less than
>>> 10 <= 10 # less than or equal
>>> 100 > 42 # strictly greater than
>>> variable = 42 >= 42 # greater than or equal
>>> variable # display the value at the variable
>>> a = 30
>>> 0 < a < 42 # operators can be chained

Note how a Boolean value can be assigned to a variable and stored for future use.

Functions can provide an additional source of Boolean values:

def exclusive_in(x, numbers, y):
return x in numbers and x is not y

numbers = {1, 16, 42, 101, 10249561} # a set
x = 10249561
y = 10249561
print(exclusive_in(x, numbers, y))
output: False as it should be

y = int(10249561.0)
print(exclusive_in(x, numbers, y))
output: True as it shouldn't be

Without going into any great detail the function simply accepts the values passed to it when it is called by writing exclusive_in(x, numbers, y) and returns the result it calculates. The innot in operators are useful for checking set membership as above and for checking whether an object is present in a list and several other data structures.

The is and is not operators check whether the object at a variable is the same object as that at another variable. Their usage is quite specific and, as apparent from the output from the test code calling exclusive_in(), they should not be used as a substitute for == or !=. A correct return from the function would be:

    return x != y and x in numbers

A legitimate usage for is or is not checks the type of an object

    isint = type(obj) is int # int being the class of integer

The names of some commonly and not so commonly used built in types are: objectint(integer),bool(Boolean), floatcomplextuplelistsetstr (string) and dict (dictionary: a hash map).

In Python all types have a logical equivalent acceptable to if and while. Any object can be cast tobool(obj) but doing this is usually unnecessary. Integers and floats are counted False for a zero value, True otherwise. An empty set, sequence or dict presents False, True if it contains any elements.

Having obtained the conditions applying to a particular situation as above it may be necessary to introduce further reasoning by combining these values. Results can be combined using the logical operators, also called the Boolean operators.

The logical operators

The Python Boolean operators orandnot accept the values True and False and all other types. The not operator reverses the truth of its operand always returning a Boolean. It accepts a single operand placed on its right making it a unary operator. The other binary operators return a type that depends on the type and order of their two operands but two Booleans always result in a Boolean.

Because all types have a logical equivalent the actual type of the return is generally not significant. The only reason this eminently useful Python attribute needs to be considered at this stage is because there is no Boolean exclusive-or operator. There is however a bitwise exclusive-or used to combine the bit patterns of integers. So, can this operator be used as a substitute for a logical xor with impunity?

It seems that it can, with the proviso that when relying on the logical equivalence of types other than bool, or integers except 1 and 0, those types must be cast to bool(<object>) before they can be used. Also, the fact that ^ has a higher precedence than the comparison operators can lead to problems. For example, if

p = 0; q = 1; r = 1; s = 0 then
print(p < q ^ r < s)

does not give the same result as

print((p < q) ^ (r < s))

Tabulating the operators in ascending order of precedence:



return type



or - disjunction


(p ^ q) or (p and q)


and - conjunction


p and q


implication p -> q


not p or (p and q)


not - negation


not p


membership, identity, comparisons


in, not in, is, is not, <, <=, >, >=, !=, ==




(p or q) and not(p and q)

A more extensive precedence table can be found in the Python documentation athttps://docs.python.org/3/reference/expressions.html#operator-precedence. 

Logical operator precedence works in a similar way to arithmetic operator precedence BODMAS but BEBNAO (brackets, exclusive-or, basis, not, and, or) is probably less helpful. The comparison operators and everything else, apart from if else, while (and lambda expressions), have a higher precedence than the Boolean operators. This means that we can write

    v = a < b and b < c and d > c

without any brackets around the comparisons. If all the comparisons return True then True is assigned to the variable v. If any comparison returns False then False is assigned.

However, it is worth keeping in mind that 

    v = p or q and r or s


    v = p or (q and r) or s


    v = (p or q) and (r or s)

The or operator means 'One, the other, or both.' This usage is universal throughout mathematics and computing but everyday usage tends more towards exclusive-or. 'We can go to the beach or we can go to the forest and bathe in the hot springs.' Clearly there will not be time to do both!

Truth tables

A way of illustrating the results got from Boolean operations is to prepare a truth table tabulating outputs for all possible inputs with say T - true,  F - false

| p | q | not p | p and q | p or q | p xor q | p => q | p -> q |
| T | T | F | T | T | F | T | T |
| T | F | F | F | T | T | F | F |
| F | T | T | F | T | T | T | T |
| F | F | T | F | F | F | T | T |

This table is of course computer generated to avoid any possibility of error and, for bigger tables, a level of boredom. The column titles use xor to represent exclusive-or and there are two implication columns => and ->. The xor column values are got using bitwise ^. Generating the => column uses not p or(p and q). The -> column uses a bitwise equivalent.

The truth table generator is included in the attached .zip. It can be used to generate a truth table for any number of logical expressions with any reasonable number of variables by following the instructions at the top of truth_tables.py. It works by generating a binary number 1111 when there are say 4 variables p, q, r, s and counting down to zero. A binary 1 represents T - True, 0 represents F - False. The script truth_tables.py uses several other techniques that have not been discussed yet but may be worth a look.

The reason that the values of p and q show T, T in the top row in the table and F, F at the bottom is because this appears to be the computer science convention. Engineers being a more practical breed start with 0, 0 at the top and end with 1, 1 when considering logic gates. Now there's a thought! If I reversed the logic of the function that converts a 1 to a 'T' and a 0 to an 'F' would the other-way-up table still be correct? 

This file also includes a table for the Boolean expressions used to demonstrate precedence above but as-is it outputs a table with only the values of p, q, r, and s shown. I invite you to copy and paste the blank table into Notepad or similar, perhaps print it out, and fill in the truth values. Then delete blank True from the tt.print_table() call and check your answers against what the computer thinks. You can of course do the same with any other truth table, one from the listings or one you have initialized yourself.

To get the code into PyCharm extract the .zip to your equivalent of C:\Users\Martin\PycharmProjects\ALGORITHMS\. Then with PyCharm open do File > Open and navigate to the Logic folder. Highlight the folder (not any of the files it contains) and click [OK]. Select Open in a new window [OK]. Expand the project tree and double-click on truth_tables.py to open it. Run the file.


Here we have looked at how Boolean values are generated by code, combined using conjunction and disjunction and how logical expressions can be investigated using truth tables. Algorithms 6 will look deeper at the meaning of these logical operations and consider implication and its equivalence to if condition then do something...

[Algorithms 6: Logically speaking   (c) Martin Humby 2015]

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