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Sarah sitting on the steps outside the Fitzwilliam Museum in Cambridge

Week one

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Edited by Sarah Cornell, Saturday, 1 Aug 2015, 15:23

Well, that's one week done, five more to go.  I think the main word is 'tiring'.

The patterns seem to be getting more predictable.  I'll be fine when I wake up, I'll eat breakfast and then feel some nausea.  A couple of ginger biscuits do the trick.  Then a quick bit of toast about 11.30, before getting driven up to the hospital and treated (if mother driving, then hot chocolate or similar when at hospital!)  OK when I get home, but then some time between 3 and 4 just crash completely.  Tremendously tired and feeling bleurgh, have some dinner and still feel tired but a lot less bleurgh.

I've belated realised that the bleurgh is probably because two slices of toast with Nutella are not really the most balanced thing to get you through an entire day.  Plans have been made for next week, to get some ready-made sandwiches in so I can eat something sensible without having to find the enthusiasm to make it!  Clearly I've been showing the effects of being low on food, without actually feeling hungry.  I've seen it recommended to go for lots of small snacks instead of three distinct meals if you've got radiotherapy-tiredness, so we'll give that a go.  (I also saw that 1-2 hours after treatment is frequently when people get very tired, so at least I'm crashing on schedule).

In the spirit of ginger being very good for nausea - well, it's working for me, not that I have a lot of nausea - when at the supermarket yesterday we decided to make sure that every single snack in the house was ginger-based, and that we'd get a wide variety to try:

Ginger biscuits in many and varied forms

My intention was to write this blog on Friday after treatment five, but I was simply too tired.  11 hours sleep on Friday night got me through to Saturday lunchtime OK, by which time I was very tired again (but South Street Pantry's marvellous panckaes fixed me for a bit) and here I am writing on Saturday afternoon.  But it feels like it's going to be naptime soon!  It's been a long time since I had to count my spoons, but it does feel like that could be coming up fairly soon (if that is total gibberish to you, then have a look at The Spoon Theory)

All in all, it's not exactly fun, but I didn't expect it to be.  If being very tired is really the worst of it, then things could be a lot worse.

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And there was me wondering how much weight you'd lose with all this fasting... !   wink