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Christopher Taylor

Greeting like a Brit

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Activity 2.5 – Comparing physical greetings: China vs. England

Greeting a person in both the UK and China is sometimes like taking a leap of faith. As a result of huge cultural difference, our English ways of saying hello are somewhat useless in China. I, personally, wouldn’t hesitate to greet someone I know with a hug, and may even go as far as a kiss, regardless of gender. Doing this in China would undoubtedly attract some odd looks, from both the ‘hugee’ and any surrounding audience. In China, a subtle bow to an acquaintance, or a more formal handshake would be expected. Even ‘ni hao’ may be shrugged off depending on the situation in which you find yourself. Shopkeepers may not even look at you. It’s true: in England, we welcome a vast array of cultures, and so this creates a degree of confusion and uncertainty. 

Unlike fifty years ago, when a mere British handshake would be omnipotent, the 21st Century presents us with a challenge.

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Me in a rare cheerful mood

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"I, personally, wouldn’t hesitate to greet someone I know with a hug, and may even go as far as a kiss, regardless of gender. Doing this in China would undoubtedly attract some odd looks, from both the ‘hugee’ and any surrounding audience."

Do that round here and you'll end up in A&E.

Some parts of the UK are still not so tolerant of the touchy-feely ways of the modern yoof.

Christopher Taylor

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Good to know, though..!

Ruth Jenner

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Yeah I found that when I moved to Sheffield, people seem to think it's acceptable to hug and kiss me. Fuck off! No offence to you lol. It's just not how we did things in Barnsley. Maybe a hug if it was a family member and it was a particularly trying time, but keep ya lips to yourself. 😊