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Emma Thomas

Computers through the generations

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Edited by Emma Thomas, Wednesday, 3 Apr 2019, 14:46

Really interesting material on this module so far. Just watched the video 'Computers through the generations' as part of Block 1 Part 2.

I hadn’t realised all the Colossus machines were destroyed after World War II - how sad, and what an amazing achievement to build a replica. Loved the bit about the Wrens drying their smalls over the top of Colossus because it emitted so much heat.

Looks like there are lots of video clips available on YouTube about the history of computing, e.g. this one. The woman at about 0:36 in seems to be demonstrating the very real possibility of drowning in punched tape.

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Me in a rare cheerful mood

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I was lucky to have had a History of Computing component of my BEC/TEC OND in Computer Studies back in the 1980s.  I found it fascinating and it is scary how much has already been forgotten.

Anyway, you would probably enjoy a guided tour around Bletchley Park.

Emma Thomas

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Hi Simon! I did visit Bletchley Park a few years ago but it was on a day when the Museum of Computing was closed. I've been meaning to make a return visit ever since.