OU blog

Personal Blogs

Charles Mack

First assessment is upon us

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Getting through the Hume and Parfit stuff wasn't as bad as I thought it was going to be but nonetheless had a relatively eventful week - including RASASH (Rape And Sexual Abuse Service Highland) young ambassador training on the Wednesday in Fort William which was great normative ethics experience! 

First OU tutorial yesterday (Saturday) which was very useful for writing my assignment yet as I start it I still feel like I'm treading on eggshells a bit with how I'm supposed to write it. Getting up at 5:40am to get the train was a horror that was made up for the fact that I got to see and train with some Glasgow friends along with a surprise visit from an Edinburgh friend! Definitely planning on using future tutorials as a means to visit more often.

I should add that in the tutorial I made the mistake of saying that I'm finding the work "relaxing" and to anyone in my course reading this: I never meant to make myself sound like a cocky wee so and so - I wanted to say that it's because after 5th year and doing 5 highers, the pressure's off and I'm finally studying something because I want to and not because I feel I have to!

School's back tomorrow (Monday) and I'm surrounded by people dreading the thought of it but I'm kind of excited - my hardest work in 6th year is not my schoolwork; it's everything else. Dreading drama, worried about my commitment to securing a coffee machine and have forgot more of advanced higher maths than I should have, but school's fun right now. It's challenging and chilled out at the same time and I like it that way.

Bring it on, TMA 01!

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