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Reflective Writing

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This blog will be for my studies during H817 only. For my first post, I'm copying my response to Michaud's (2010) article about reflective writing.

I’ve tried to keep learning journals before, both paper and online, but have always failed to follow through with them. I usually don’t give up on them completely, rather they get absorbed into larger things. For example, a paper journal turns into a regular notebook with scattered reflective writing throughout. A blog that was meant to be a journal turned into more general topics and writing.

That’s not meant to sound negative. It has worked for me so far. I have a notebook now that will be both for notes and reflective writing. The Gibbs Cycle of Reflection, however, has made me think about some elements of reflective writing that I have not usually incorporated in mine. Especially, the documenting of an Action Plan. I don’t usually write anything like that, so that is something that I would like to incorporate more into my own reflective writing.

As to how this applies to writing TMAs, I think the Gibbs Cycle will be useful in organizing thoughts. Additionally, it will help in bridging various sections of my writing; such as theory to practice to findings to conclusions, etc.

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