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Week 1 Activity 4

Visible to anyone in the world
Edited by Michael Brown, Thursday, 4 Feb 2016, 07:52

For this activity we were to read 'Minds on Fire' (Brown & Adler, 2008), select one of the projects mentioned in the article, find out if there are any more papers about it, and find out whether it is still running.

I chose the Digital StudyHall (DHS) project in India. DHS records digital lectures and lessons and distributes them to education facilities in India's slums and rural areas. The website for the DHS foundation and linked websites at supporting universities and sponsors indicate that the project is still running, with the latest updates coming in 2015.

There are several (conference) papers that are about or reference DHS as well, including:

Sahni, U., Gupta, R., Hull, G., Javid, P., Setia, T., Toyama, K. and Wang, R., 2008, March. Using digital video in rural Indian schools: A study of teacher development and student achievement. In Annual Meeting of the American Educational Research Association.

Saxena, A., Sahni, U., Gupta, R., Arora, A., Anderson, R. and Linnell, N., 2010, December. Evaluating facilitated video instruction for primary schools in rural india. In Proceedings of the 4th ACM/IEEE International Conference on Information and Communication Technologies and Development (p. 41). ACM.

Anderson, R., Robertson, C., Nabi, E., Sahni, U. and Setia, T., 2012, March. Facilitated video instruction in low resource schools. In Proceedings of the Fifth International Conference on Information and Communication Technologies and Development (pp. 2-12). ACM.

However, there were no *very* recent papers.

There were, nonetheless, indications that the concept had been adopted/adapted by agricultural educationalists and the concept was also influencing private home-based education in India. Furthermore, DHS has expanded beyond India to Pakistan and Nepal.

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