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Charles Mack

a wee bit of good news

Visible to anyone in the world

Unconditional offer from Edinburgh University for Philosophy! Thursday the 18th of February is the day I was given my first choice, the one for which I was desperate.

It's the best place I could be - incredible sports facilities, family and friends already down there, and I absolutely love the city.

A problem presents itself however in that I no longer know how hard I should work for the rest of 6th year, nor do I know what my motivation for study will be. I would like to do well in this course and in maths and music for the sake of doing well, and working hard before I leave will set me up well for uni and I'd especially like to get good assignment marks and essay practice - but I don't have anything to prove for the rest of my time at school. I'll continue to work but I refuse to stress myself out over my studies and exams.

Struggled getting my head round the philosophy of science stuff more so than most of the other topics covered so far and shamefully I'm not sure how much of it will stay in over time. Nearly died of cold this morning marshalling at the snowman rally but have at least started getting back into the swing of making more productive use of my time so nothing really else to say.


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Me in a rare cheerful mood

There's many a slip twixt cup and lip

"A problem presents itself however in that I no longer know how hard I should work for the rest of 6th year, nor do I know what my motivation for study will be."

A very rare attribute in people is 'finishing skills'.  I think it is something that has to be taught.  It is the ability to keep going to the bitter end at the same standard as before.

From over a decade of formally running projects I have seen it many times because it happens to almost everyone: toward the end people run out of steam, get bored, and start to wander off to do new things before finishing what they are doing.  That is why projects don't get closed down properly, why Lessons Learned meetings rarely get conducted (hence lessons don't get learned), the documentation never gets finished and new houses are missing cupboard door handles and have random unpainted things.

It is hard to force one's self to keep going but when you have developed the skill, people notice.  It is what differentiated the master craftsman from the skilled artisan.  It comes across as attention to detail.

"I'll continue to work but I refuse to stress myself out over my studies and exams."

You could look at it as another opportunity to practise doing exams.  Also, the better you do in them, the greater your confidence at uni.

"Struggled getting my head round the philosophy of science"

That's a subject that becomes obvious with time and practice at investigating how science is done, especially when it is done badly.  You don't really get it from science done well.