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Steve Alexander-Jones


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Edited by Steve Alexander-Jones, Thursday, 24 Mar 2016, 00:02


Here are my thoughts


How long used for educational purposes

by my organisation

by me

Social media

 Not used

 10 years

Learning analytics

 Not used

 1 year

Flipped classroom

 Not used

 1 year

Online learning

 Not used

5 years

Data-driven assessment

 3 years (summative testing)

 10 years

Games and gamification

 Not used

Not used

My school is a new IB school(www.jrbgy.net), only the third year of opening and development of elearning methods is minimal except for the use of an IT room when booked by teachers as a resource 

The three areas I would like to develop further are learning analytics, the flipped classroom and games and gamification (I have uploaded and article on this and a link to an EdTed is here http://ed.ted.com/on/uk36wtoI 

I have begun using learning analytics in the form of Socrative which is really easy to use and provides many form of results analysis which acts as a formative assessment for my curriculum, it would be nice if it became a subject wide method teachers shared and uploaded tests they produce, but am not holding my breath as the Chinese teachers I work with already have very long days. Teachers in China at a boarding school like mine work 7.30-11.40am, 2-5pm and 7-9.30pm 5 days a week, Sunday evening to Friday afternoon.

I have done some flipped classroom tutorials and believe they are a great learning support resource that can be viewed many times, but currently no platform is set up for their usage at present, but believe one might be set up (this might be a potential assignment ?)

Games and gamification following some brief research seems under researched at present with its uses being related to cognitive, emotional and social uses although am unsure how to apply it in this form to education.

Some of the other topics in the article seem a bit spurious, such as "wearable technology" not sure what use this might be! BYOD I guess this is the way forward as far as lower costs is concerned but how to control the environment and internet access within the learning environment to ensure students are on task ?

One final point on Rewarding Teaching "teaching is often rated lower than research in academia." Really? I have never thought this, your thoughts?



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