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Other open technologies

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Edited by Michael Brown, Sunday, 19 Jun 2016, 17:35

Activity 22: An open education technology

Timing: 2 hours

•Write a short blog post suggesting one additional technology that is important for open education, either from the role of a learner or a provider. The technology can be one that has been significant, or one that you feel is going to become increasingly relevant. What you include as a technology can be quite broad: for instance, it can be a general category (such as social networks), a specific service or a particular standard.

•In your post briefly explain what the technology is, and then why you think it is important for open education. The emphasis should be on open education in particular, and not just education in general.

I'd suggest that cloud/remote file hosting (Google Drive, iDrive, Dropbox, etc.) is extremely important for open education for both roles, learner and provider. However, for this post I will focus on the learner role.

File hosting services allow learners to manage and curate content in ways and with convenience that was impossible before. For example, file hosting services allow for the development and deployment of Personal Learning Environments (PLEs) that have sophisticated and useful applications. Content can be centralized in a digital location of the learner's choice, outside of institutional boundaries; content can be added or removed as the learner sees fit; content can be accessed from any number of devices as well as physical locations; learners can create content and upload it themselves. That is just the start.

In open education, this sort of control over content management on the part of learners makes a lot of sense because it lets learners personalize their learning and determine what content they need or want. 

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