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Beach Sunset

Confidence V Competence

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Edited by Beau Taylor, Sunday, 6 Feb 2022, 02:16

Hi everyone,

I wasn't really going to bother with 'blogging', as I initially saw no point in moaning & groaning over situations out of my control.  That was until recently after counseling, re-planning, and banking marks for two modules & returning to complete them!

It finally occurred to me that maybe if I shared my experience it may help others in a similar situation.

So back in 2014, I was injured in an RTC as a front-seat passenger which resulted in injuring my back and struggling with mobility issues to date.  I could not return to my place of work, (of 15 yrs), so took the plunge to study an IT degree (with honours of course lol)

After registering for all three modules, (120 points), at level one, I thought I could overcome any obstacle, I couldn't have been more wrong.

I was actually contacted by student support who questioned my ability to achieve my study plans.  I felt like I was being labeled incompetent as I was 'disabled'.

My inner arrogance prevented my 'logical self' from understanding their point of view.  

I had previous knowledge and understanding of the subject matter but nothing prepared me for the depth of study or the length of research required to successfully complete set assignments successfully.

As time went on I struggled ridiculously with all the modules, requesting extension upon extension just to get by.  Eventually, my logical self took over, so I contacted student support and placed both 30 point modules on hold. I felt so defeated.  

Completing the 60 point module was a priority now as this module was coming to its completion.  I desperately used the time remaining to go over sections and write up reviews which were exhausting but an imperative part of the EMA.

All said and done, I managed to scrape a pass for TU100 and then registered to complete the other 2 banked modules. This actually allowed me to focus on this module. 

I learned a very tough lesson.  You may feel you can conquer the world BUT how prepared are you?  I definitely WAS NOT.  I struggled with extreme pain requiring a cocktail of painkillers that would wipe me out for hours daily. 

I had to constantly change position and have frequent breaks or mild discomfort became that unbearable I had to put all study on hold for days to simpler recover.  I had not anticipated the effect study would have on my injured body.

Now I review my entire approach to study. I read the module description.  I look at the depth of study materials and plan my approach to study and schedule the entire year. (With breaks included)

I liaise with student support and let everyone know when I need space or support to get me through each set assignment, in advance of deadlines!

Asking for support is not a sign of weakness or an indication that you're going to fail, far from it. By confronting your study barriers head-on you can actually improve your outlook tenfold.

Thanks to the OU student support, I have now registered to complete two 30 point modules this October.  I'm aware and quite ready to reschedule if things become overwhelming or too challenging, but I'm optimistic that I've made the correct decision this time around.

Please take heed, DO NOT suffer in silence.  There is a huge support network out there, and there are soo many students, (you'd be surprised), that are in a similar situation who are more than willing to offer guidance and advice.

Plan ahead, plan together, remember you are not alone.

Thank you

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ruth at parkrun

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Well done for getting this far. I hope you have a good summer!