On doing some research on critical thinking I came across this framework that shows the process of critical thinking from the first engagement with information to the development of arguments and conclusions that form the basis of your critical writing. It clearly has its roots in Bloom’s Taxonomy (Bloom et al, 1956) but has been developed to include extra steps that are need for critical thinking.
Figure 1: The Critical Thinking Stairway (Williams, 2014)
Figure 2:
Bloom’s Taxonomy Bloom et al (1956)
I have used the Stairway with students who are working on case studies and research projects both to show them the steps they need to take and also as a monitor of progress by revisiting the stairway during the process.
I hope you find this useful and would welcome feedback and comments especially if you have found another way of using the stairway.
Bloom, B. S., Engelhart, M. D., Furst, E. J., Hill, W. H., Krathwohl, D. R. (1956). Taxonomy of educational objectives: The classification of educational goals. Handbook I: Cognitive domain. New York, David McKay Company
Williams, K. (2014) Getting Critical, Pocket Study Skills, MacMillan International
New comment
Thanks for these Ian.
I have saved them onto my laptop.
Learning developer
I love the stairway to critical thinking (OU, 2013) model you have used and would love permission to reuse it in some online teaching resources and workshop materials I am currently working on. These resources will be used for the UG and PG students at the University of Bedfordshire.Learning developer
I love the stairway to critical thinking (OU, 2013) model you have used and would love permission to reuse it in some online teaching resources and workshop materials I am currently working on. These resources will be used for the UG and PG students at the University of Bedfordshire.