OU blog

Personal Blogs

ROSIE Rushton-Stone

1 month ago today

Visible to anyone in the world

Today is day 31 of my first ever month of blogging.  Could be the end of an experience, or the beginning of a new era for me, hard to say. 

I am spending the next two weeks in self imposed solitary confinement, with only my B text books, the pc (an unfortunate necessity, given my propensity to stray from the course materials) and an excess of pens, all boring colours, and paper.  I have put my sensible head on, and I am dedicating the next two weeks of (previously booked for pleasure) freedom to my studies. 

I will be rewarding myself with a trip to Glasgow to see some bluegrass greats.  That is one of the very rare types of reward that will focus my wayward mind... I can't wait smile

And so to study...

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