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ROSIE Rushton-Stone


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Ha ha, well what can I say?!

I struggle with the vast majority of social situations, and for this very reason push myself as much as is possible.  If I don't want to do something, I don't consider it to be personal preference (and thus a reasonable excuse), but something that perhaps I should just 'give a go'.  Unless it is something that I actively dislike, I always try to do something at least once.

So... I was invited to a zumba class.  My first instinct was to run away.  BUT...!  It is a class at my gym, and the purpose of joining the gym was to relieve anxiety whilst having to socialise a little.  So although I tend to go at (precisely) 8.30am, - because it is always quiet then - I always make sure I acknowledge at least one person (psychological trade-off).  And when I'm feeling super sociable I try to acknowledge someone in the changing rooms too (if they're dressed).

So, when this invite was given, it was given as a negative invite... 'you wouldn't cope with zumba would you? Do you fancy the spin class?'

Hmm, why wouldn't I??  Maybe I would!!

So I went.

Once I had accepted that I am not a 'shake your booty' kind of person (even for the sake of sport), I took to doing a sort of tigger version of what everyone else was doing.  I was quite proud of myself for joining in at all, hugely proud of myself for attempting to do some wiggling (this is most definately a sober first), and more than anything, for keeping it up for the full hour.  All through the session, I kept thinking to myself 'look how happy the instructor is - she can't stop smiling and laughing... it must be good' - and each time I thought it, I tried with renewed effort to grin and shake.

Turns out she was actually just laughing at me smile


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ah bless ya.

Zumba is.....well I suppose each to their own but it feels a bit try hard.

Im similar in the anxiety way, but the one class i found fantastic was a combat class- well non-combat combat. Coreographed kicks and punches.High cardio but a fantastic mood lifter and confidence booster.

Maybe a change in class?

ROSIE Rushton-Stone

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Well funny you should say that!  I had images of combat being 1:1, spot pads and humiliation, but I did see a bit of one through a window the other day, and thought it looked quite promising.
