Without question, one of my favourite places to be.
So, this is my first ever blog entry by phone, so I hope it comes out normally.
I did my 2 weeks hard study as promised. Pretty much up together on the B course now, just gotta write the assignment when I get back. And I did the next iCMA for the S course. I regret that in some ways as I was so excited about Glasgow I didn't take it as seriously as I would normally do, and did not take much care... So there were a few stupid errors, like clicking enter before I had even attempted to answer a question, d'oh. Still, who cares, I'm in Glasgow!!!
Leaving home is always very stressful for me, and it takes a huge amount of strength and will power for me to leave my comfort zone. This particular trip is one of the few that makes it into the category of being 'worth it'.
I arrived yesterday. The train journey was pretty manic, though in the 5 hours I only entered into panic twice, and I managed to keep it entirely to myself, so I am pleased with that. Last night, went out and got nicely drunk, in order to acclimatise to my new surroundings. Wine, lager, drambuie and ginger beer (a new and wonderful discovery), and cointreau to finish. An unusual mix for me, but all good.
Fully acclimatised, today I went into town and bought a coat. Acclimatised to the surroundings, but not the temperature y'see! Bumped into an old mate from Bath who is staying in the same hotel (that's not a total coincidence as he's playing at the festival Sunday night, but it's still fairly cool). Off to the cinema in a bit to see Black Swan. Then out on the town tonight to catch some music, somewhere. Two gigs tomorrow, more drinking, then home Monday. Oh and I also found my favourite whisky, which I will be bulk buying before I leave. So far, everything has been perfect. I am happy happy happy!