I thought perhaps it was time to switch course focus, as I seem to be fast losing motivation with S3. I'm still recovering from the B3 assignment and not in the mood to go there again just yet. So I thought S1, some good old pressure free studying.
Well that's what I thought this morning. I haven't looked at that course text since late January, and although I had the best of intentions, I just couldn't find the bloody text book anywhere.
I have spent the whole day searching round the house (on and off admittedly); looking under things, on things, inbetween things; rooting through piles untouched for years, and places a study book has never come close to. Checked cupboards, drawers, and then checked all the same places again, and again, and again. Nothing.
Sod it! So I thought I know! I'll make a drink, and go and say hello to my various cyber communication pals. And wha'd'ya know... there it was, mockingly sat there on the laptop. ARGH!
I'm not blind. There are gremlins. I'm convinced of it.
Whered'd y'go?!
I thought perhaps it was time to switch course focus, as I seem to be fast losing motivation with S3. I'm still recovering from the B3 assignment and not in the mood to go there again just yet. So I thought S1, some good old pressure free studying.
Well that's what I thought this morning. I haven't looked at that course text since late January, and although I had the best of intentions, I just couldn't find the bloody text book anywhere.
I have spent the whole day searching round the house (on and off admittedly); looking under things, on things, inbetween things; rooting through piles untouched for years, and places a study book has never come close to. Checked cupboards, drawers, and then checked all the same places again, and again, and again. Nothing.
Sod it! So I thought I know! I'll make a drink, and go and say hello to my various cyber communication pals. And wha'd'ya know... there it was, mockingly sat there on the laptop. ARGH!
I'm not blind. There are gremlins. I'm convinced of it.