Yesterday I got up at half five, got a mug out the cupboard, dropped it, and smashed the handle off. And cursed.
Got out a second mug. Put a tea bag in, and boiled the kettle. Poured the water in, got distracted by the cats, and allowed the mug to overflow, causing boiling water to drip all over the surface, into a drawer, and onto the floor. I cursed.
I got the drink sorted eventually, and went to sort out my bank accounts. I won't go into that, but rest assured it kept the flow of disaster on track.
I went back to bed at some point for a little sleep, and dreamt that I'd sent an important e-mail. My brain didn't register it as a dream though, but as a reality. So later, at the end of the day, I hadn't sent an important e-mail that needed to have been sent.
I then had to change the ink in my printer, and the ink cartridge leaked all over my hands and more importantly, my rug.
I decided to watch Loose Women (don't judge me), and in the adverts thought I'd have some weetabix. I stood up, took a step, the cat ran under my foot... I tried not to stand on the cat and went flying across the room, stamping on my bag as I went, breaking an item inside. Cursing again. I also hurt my foot.
I didn't feel like studying as planned, so I spent some time neatly piling all my study books and bits of paper and 'organising' them. Amongst all the bits of paper I found an unpaid bill, that on investigation, I had been charged twelve pounds for not paying.
By half five I had texted a friend to go to the pub.
When I got back I decided to cook sausage and 'thai mash'. And I started my first ever grill fire. The whole oven went up in flames and scared me stupid. I ate my food, gave up on the day and went to bed.
This morning I got up, and the first thing I got was an e-mail from a guy wanting to know some stuff about banjo music.
I spent the morning picking out tracks to send to him, and typing out little descriptions. A wonderful way to spend time. I've made tea and breakfast with no difficulty.
The twelve pound fine has been lifted as it is a first 'offence'.
My bank accounts are back in order.
The mug handle is still broken, but otherwise, everything that went wrong yesterday has been sorted, and everything that has happened today has been good.
Was it down to smashing the mug and getting the happy e-mail respectively?
Probably not, but I'm so glad today isn't like yesterday, whatever the reason. It truly is a happy Monday
A day defined by a broken mug?
It certainly seemed that way.
Yesterday I got up at half five, got a mug out the cupboard, dropped it, and smashed the handle off. And cursed.
Got out a second mug. Put a tea bag in, and boiled the kettle. Poured the water in, got distracted by the cats, and allowed the mug to overflow, causing boiling water to drip all over the surface, into a drawer, and onto the floor. I cursed.
I got the drink sorted eventually, and went to sort out my bank accounts. I won't go into that, but rest assured it kept the flow of disaster on track.
I went back to bed at some point for a little sleep, and dreamt that I'd sent an important e-mail. My brain didn't register it as a dream though, but as a reality. So later, at the end of the day, I hadn't sent an important e-mail that needed to have been sent.
I then had to change the ink in my printer, and the ink cartridge leaked all over my hands and more importantly, my rug.
I decided to watch Loose Women (don't judge me), and in the adverts thought I'd have some weetabix. I stood up, took a step, the cat ran under my foot... I tried not to stand on the cat and went flying across the room, stamping on my bag as I went, breaking an item inside. Cursing again. I also hurt my foot.
I didn't feel like studying as planned, so I spent some time neatly piling all my study books and bits of paper and 'organising' them. Amongst all the bits of paper I found an unpaid bill, that on investigation, I had been charged twelve pounds for not paying.
By half five I had texted a friend to go to the pub.
When I got back I decided to cook sausage and 'thai mash'. And I started my first ever grill fire. The whole oven went up in flames and scared me stupid. I ate my food, gave up on the day and went to bed.
This morning I got up, and the first thing I got was an e-mail from a guy wanting to know some stuff about banjo music.
I spent the morning picking out tracks to send to him, and typing out little descriptions. A wonderful way to spend time. I've made tea and breakfast with no difficulty.
The twelve pound fine has been lifted as it is a first 'offence'.
My bank accounts are back in order.
The mug handle is still broken, but otherwise, everything that went wrong yesterday has been sorted, and everything that has happened today has been good.
Was it down to smashing the mug and getting the happy e-mail respectively?
Probably not, but I'm so glad today isn't like yesterday, whatever the reason. It truly is a happy Monday