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ROSIE Rushton-Stone

What made me write that?!

Visible to anyone in the world

Quoting from my last post...

"We watched crap DVDs for the rest of the day, chatted, drank wine, ate pizza - she ate garlic bread too, yuk - and generally had a bit of a teenage evening."

It occurred to me during the night that this was a really strange thing to write in my blog.  I very rarely had such teenage evenings, and in fact greatly feared invitations to them.  The implication is that my teenage evenings with friends consisted of consuming junk food and watching rubbish films.  This couldn't be further from the truth!  I think I just made a subconscious effort to normalise myself for no good reason at all.  It's interesting timing on a psychological level, as I feel I am being progressively viewed as less and less 'normal' by certain individuals, and it is becoming incredibly irritating.

Anyway, my teenage years were spent constantly trying to keep up with my peers emotionally, and socially.  I put little effort into my school work, as there was no particular need, which I suppose was lucky as it gave me time to focus on fitting in.  This goal was achieved at my first senior school, but unfortunately GCSE years were at a different school and I did not adapt particularly well.  I spent my free time at both schools either on my bike, or walking to find trees to climb.  For the final few months of school at 15 I spent the school hours up a tree, smoking and reading.  Which I can proudly say I no longer do (smoking that is, not tree climbing!).  I never lied about it.  I was asked if I went to school and I would say yes.  I was asked if I'd had a good day and I would say yes.  I was asked what subjects I'd studied, and I would reel them off.  In fact what I did was walk to school, climb a tree on the edge of the playing field, light a cigarette, and read my text books.  For a child who is accused of being terribly rebellious, I find my behaviour to be above average on the rebellion continuum.  As a result I got very good GCSEs, and quite honestly, better than I would have done in school.  Perhaps that is why the OU appeals to me; had never really thought of it 'til just now!

At no point during that period did I ever sit at a friend's house, eat pizza and watch films.  On a few occasions there were sleep overs that I couldn't get out of, and I believe we watched films at them.  I just remember them being really boring and frightening (just the sort of emotional combination to make any child jump for joy!) with make overs and so on, which I never got involved in as couldn't stand to have my hair or face touched.  So, in conclusion, after much unneccessary chatter, I don't know what possessed me to write the original sentence, and though I'm not deleting it, I'm retracting it, if that makes sense. 

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