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Personal Blogs

ROSIE Rushton-Stone

One down, seven to go.

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Block one completed of S3. 

Straight into Block two.  To stay on track I have to have it completed, plus the various other activities etc., plus some of block three, plus the assignment, by the end of the month, in order to have enough time for B3 completion.  It is so hard to stay on these tracks.  I seem to be more scalextric than steam train.  Constantly shooting off the tracks, and wildly deviating from my planned direction.  It's a sunny day and I want to be in the beer gardens.  It's been a sunny week and I haven't been in the beer gardens once. 

I've sellotaped the Cartman magnet to the circuit on the running machine.  It gives the impression that I've kidnapped him and am treating him in an unreasonable manner.  I don't have a better solution.

I haven't even considered my rewards for these next two pieces of work.  There is a gig I want to go to at the end of April that I guess could be for finishing B3.  Can't think of anything for S3; too tired.  Perhaps a day in the beer gardens with a friend who doesn't have a dog.  I like dogs, ish, but not in that situation.  They attract other dogs and other people, and conversation with other people about dogs, and the weather, and overall I find it spoils what is otherwise a pleasant experience.

What was I saying?  Oh yes, block two...


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