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ROSIE Rushton-Stone

Round and round and round and round....

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This is why they are always all-nighters.  A complete inability to focus.  Only... only... only... I don't even know what I was going to say then.

I've organised my celebrations for tomorrow though.

Oh I remember, only one and a quarter questions left.  The less there is to do, the less urgent it all seems.  It is urgent Rosie!  I need to learn how to fool my own brain.  My body hates being kept up like this.  My brain revels in it.  Totally disconnected.  Perhaps this is part of the reason I am unable to meditate.  Even short attempts make me extremely anxious.

I'll fully disconnect my brain from my body tomorrow, no doubt.  Keep it happy; thank it for all its hard work by killing off a few bits of it.  Poor thing; it doesn't know with each celebration the next assignment gets that much harder.  All those neuronal interconnections I spent so long building to be drowned in the bottom of a glass touched by the lips of a thousand boring humdrum customers, a few hundred boring drunks, a few tens of delightful drunks, two theiving bar staff and one genius.  And then me. 

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