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ROSIE Rushton-Stone


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Edited by ROSIE Rushton-Stone, Friday, 6 May 2011, 00:14

I have had some wine.  So take from this what you like.

I have just watched half of question time.  My boyfriend is obsessed with news and politics.  I, on the other  hand have no interest whatsoever, usually.  There was the vote today.  Now I have to be honest, I know a little about it, but not enough.  The reason I didn't vote today was because I didn't fully understand what it was about.  I did a little research and was under the impression I wanted to vote 'Yes'.  But my friends talked me out of it by questioning me further... and I had nothing.  The truth is, and I know it's not true (as such), but I want to live my life as I want to live it.  This means that things that I find boring (neurons aside for S3) I don't have to waste my time on.  Politics is tricky.  I watch loose women.  Ha ha, yup, sorry.  There is a reason for it... prior to watching it I knew nothing of world affairs.  I hated them.  But I get a  glimpse of what's going on without being overwhelmed and I'm sorry but I'm not ashamed.  My friends think it's ideal for me.  If something they mention  grabs my interest I can research, if not, well fuck it!

So clearly me and my 'beloved' are entirely different in our approaches to politics.  Today, I felt ashmed, as JSP said (on loose women!) that everyone should be forced to vote.  But I haven't.  Tut tut.

So here is my reasoning.  Every week I buy a vegbox.  I know, that in buying it, I'll have pesticide free fruit and veg for that week.  Every week I order cat food online.  In doing so, I know that the addictive nature of felix and whiskas won't grip my cat.  Bla bla, could go on but there's no point.

Question time annoyed me.  The news annoys me.  I'm not stupid.  My IQ in technological terms is crazy.  But despite that, I just don't get people.  A man has, in theory, been murdered.  Now I don't care what he did.  He is an individual and should be tried as such.  Murder is murder.  A friend of mine was in a childrens' care home for many years, from birth to thirteen.  He, and his friends suffered horrific abuse.  A group of them, in their forties, decided to take revenge, and one by one 'got rid' of the abusers.  I can't tell the full story of my friend here, because I don't understand OU rules.  But, take that as a murder, I felt no kinship.

World leaders on the other hand.  Yes, if you kill someone I have no interest in you.  But, all world leaders do it.  I very much doubt that more deaths have been caused at the hands of terrorists, than at the hands of normal government leaders.   I really don't care for opinion in this one matter (though by all means give it), but murder is murder.  I have struggled for many years to deal with army psyche in general, but this is something else.  I genuinely do not understand why it is ok to kill in war but not in life.  If I killed someone who had done me a terrible misjustice I'd go to prison; if someone in a war does the same to someone who has done nothing wrong other than to 'serve their country' they don't.

None of it is right, and until we reach a point where law means law, independent of your 'talents' then we're going  nowhere fast.

If our leader was killed by the forces of another country I think we'd have something to say about it.  And that IS scary.

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Jameela Bi


If; every life is sacred, then surely that should be a value that is applied universally?

It makes me very sad when I see/hear of normally 'pious' people displaying such double standards.

The issues about killings in war and peace, also give me a great deal of food for thought.

ROSIE Rushton-Stone

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Yes, I agree.  Life is life.  On a lesser level when I was beaten up there were a few people who wanted to go out and seek revenge.  I made them promise not to.  I don't agree with an eye for an eye.  I would never want to behave in the same way as someone who had hurt me.  That would make me no better.  It's very complex, of course.  The night I wrote that I was in exactly the wrong frame of mind to listen to politicians, and should have known better!!