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Personal Blogs

ROSIE Rushton-Stone

Very stressed!

Visible to anyone in the world

I hate it when things that should work don't work, and the only possible reason for that to be the case, is that I'm doing it wrong.  I have followed the instructions for one section of the T course over and over again, and every time I go online to check the site, it says page not found.  So annoying - the page is right there!  If I go to the page itself, and open it, there it is, working and most definitely existing.  Go to the link that goes to the page, and it can't be found again.  So I've given up and passed the problem to the forum.  I will no doubt be in a very bad mood when I discover the cause of the problem, having wasted the best part of the day not achieving anything, determined that I should be able to sort it out on my own.  I only really have today and tomorrow available to finish this course, the following 10 days intended for the other T course, and the following month for S3.  What a waste of time today has been. 

Plus I forgot to give myself a father's day present.  Him never having been a part of my memorable life, not managing to stick it out past 6 weeks, I feel that significant amounts of the advice I needed through life I gave to myself through trial and error.  Of course my mother offered her support, but she already has her own day.  Normally today I would give myself a nice fatherly gift - a bottle of brandy and a pair of decent socks.  Perhaps a top hat, or a tie.  It varies depending on my mood.  But this year I forgot.  Or couldn't be bothered.  Who knows.

No reply to my query yet.  I'm thinking I'm going to have to give up for the day and try again tomorrow.  I never achieve anything useful when I'm angry with the computer.  Which I am.

Our fruitbox this week gave us the first of the gooseberries.  Very exciting.  I love gooseberries.  I particularly love the fact that I don't have to share them, as since the maggot in the cherry incident, Al is fearful of fruit without skin.  Ideal!  Saves me having to hide them! The vegbox brought the first of the broad beans.  Significantly less exciting for me, though very exciting for Al.  You win some you lose some, I guess.

I went out last night with an old work friend that I don't think I can have seen for over a year.  One of those people who does really annoying things like always being two hours late, but is instantly forgiven on arrival.  She is impossible to hate in person.  Only from afar can I feel negative emotion towards her.  We had a really good night though.  Too much wine, I think.  Perhaps that's why I can't get it together for this web nonsense.  It's not me being an idiot; it's a hangover.  I'll go with that I think.  Makes me feel a little less like destroying the laptop.  As it is, I think I'm just going to turn it off, have some soup and watch the first of the next series of Dexter.  Now that really is exciting.  Dexter, not the soup.  Right, I'm gone.

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Dexter rocks!! Hope you enjoy! (and the soup) x
ROSIE Rushton-Stone

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Yup, Dexter is great.  The second series just started for me.  Other people seem to have already seen it.  They must sneak off to the States to watch TV or something.  I am dependent on the FX channel, possibly the greatest TV channel I've ever known.  There again, I am used to either having no TV, or Channels 1-4.  Living with someone who has Sky has opened up a whole new world for me.  Not a particularly productive one, but enjoyable for sure!