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ROSIE Rushton-Stone

Deadline day and antisocial noise

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Deadline day and I am far from ready to answer the questions.  I can't concentrate at all.  The work going on a few doors away has been going on for over two weeks.  Yesterday I reached breaking point with it, as they started up a generator in the street out the front, and continued drilling and banging out the back.  No space.  I tried to lie down to ease my screaming head but it just got worse and worse until I burst into tears.  They weren't even unhappy tears, they were just totally losing the plot tears.  If someone was to make normal noise at this level for this amount of time a complaint would be totally justified.  This morning I was woken by the sound of banging metal onto stone; bang bang bang.  It feels like mental torture.  Funny, before I re-read that I had written metal torture.  I guess both are equally appropriate!  The first few days were bad enough, but this, week 3...

It doesn't even look like they're achieving anything at the moment.  I can see it going on for months.  The house has been totally gutted.  Yesterday I had to go to a friends house before I completely lost my mind.  And today I will have to do the same.  I can already feel myself getting angry and stressed.  I'm actually thinking I might have to move out for a bit.  Can't even concentrate on writing this - I thought it might distract me, but no.  Breakfast, shower and out of here.

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Hi Rosie

That sounds a total nightmare.  I think getting away from it as much as you can is a MUST smile.

Good luck with the deadline.  You can do it smile!


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That's horrible. I just don't know what it is about unpleasant noise that causes such a bodily reaction....I hope they finish that work soon...take care
ROSIE Rushton-Stone

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Thanks, to you both!  It's got a little better, but not much.  Another test of strength of character for me I think!