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ROSIE Rushton-Stone


Visible to anyone in the world

I've seen a lot of people posting messages on facebook today saying they are ashamed to be British.  The fact that everyone I know feels this way makes me proud to be British.  No change will occur if everyone who is against this vile behaviour hangs their heads in shame. 

Last night it became apparent that messages via twitter and facebook have increased the number of potential people getting involved.  On the upside, there are a number of web pages springing up to negate such negativity. 



The second one currently has 374, 566 people in support of it.  That's quite a number in so short a space of time.

I whole heartedly concur that these riots are shameful and horrific.  I am loathe to put on the news and hear of any more destruction.  In fact it has reminded me of the War of the Worlds.


I'd like to know where all the parents of these looting children are.  I'd also like to see each and every one of them interviewed, and asked what they believed they were protesting about.  I believe that the majority would not even know.  Historically, riots and public disorder emerged because large numbers of people felt hugely passionate about something.  Because there was something so wrong in the lives of enough people, that they felt they had nothing to lose.  Not because they wanted a widescreen TV for nothing. 

Last night I was of the opinion that if I was told my taxes were to be raised in order to build a new prison just to house these thieving delinquents, then I would not have any qualms about it.  Today I wouldn't mind personally housing a couple in the loft.  I hope that these people won't go unpunished, but of course, most of them will.

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