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ROSIE Rushton-Stone

But it was

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good anyway!
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Currently trying to unfollow you so that I can follow you so that I can find you lol this blogging lark is fun! smile
ROSIE Rushton-Stone

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Blimey, sounds complicated!!

Glad you're having fun with it!!

Short reply!!!!

Just to let you know in answer to ur question in ur comment about my post, I am doing A174 Creative Writing.

I am a bit of a scribbler as you wiill probably have seen, and I love nothing better than a good read, (yes my life is that sad LOL!!) so thought I would have a go at writing for real.

I have had a chance to sort out most of my worries now and all seems to be OK.  I have found my way round everywhere and have found a planner etc so all is looking a lot better than it was.

Well that is said with my optimistic head on so we will see!!!



ROSIE Rushton-Stone

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Well I hope you enjoy it, and am glad you've found your way around ok - it doesn't take long!