Personal Blogs
It would be my suggestion that this blog site should have a search by author name option. It's very frustrating when someone comments on your blog, and you click their name only to find their profile is private and therefore you cannot access their blog. I find myself spending ages scrolling down through hundreds of posts, and nine times out of ten never find what I'm looking for. Or is there a way I am unaware of? Does anyone else find this an irritant?
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Oh you have no idea how irritating I find it! (See what I did there - play on words!)
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Much as I don't want to admit it, no, I can't currently see what you did there! And I've been thinking about it for a while...!!New comment
Ha ha ha. Oh you = OU. Am I being too abstruse?
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Ha ha, brilliant - right over my head!!New comment
S'ok - it'll be on a return flight later.
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I must admit I find it strange when I read site entries and click on the name, only to find access denied. I don't really understand why people mark blog posts public whilst having their profile private. Maybe that's just me though?
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I don't understand either, but seems the majority do. It's so frustrating when you want to be reminded who they are and what you said to them!New comment
Yes I find that annoying. probably they don't realise that others can read their blogs but haven't got around to writing about themselves to introduce themselves. It is a shame.
Enjoy reading your blogs and comments.
Enjoy your day
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Hi Nigel,
Glad I'm not alone! Seems to me that if you write a visible blog you wouldn't have a private access point. Ah well.
Thanks for dropping by! And have a lovely day yourself!!