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Angela Garratt

Too Eager, Maybe?

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Edited by Angela Garratt, Sunday, 2 Oct 2016, 09:22

I am very much looking forward to getting my teeth in this degree, I really want to start writing my assignments, but I am afraid that if I get too far ahead of myself then I might miss an important element that will be given to us at a tutorial at Dudley College next week. 

I have a couple of friends that are doing OU degrees and they seem to be just as eager as me.

I have got all of my books and the DVD, I have read Dr Faustus. Wow, what a dark play for that time in history. No wonder the chap was killed. Not that he was killed for his writings, we have our theories on that, but I suppose we will never really know. Christopher Marlowe, some may disagree with me (and you have every perfect right to your opinion), but for the time that he lived, he was a literary genius and a very naughty boy. I have enjoyed reading his work more than Shakespeare, maybe it is because I can understand it better, I don't know, I just know I enjoyed reading about him. Of course, this was just me being extremely anxious to start, I wanted to learn a little bit about the man I will be studying, but the more I read about him, the more intrigued I was. So, I went to the library and ordered a couple of books about him. The one I am reading at the moment is Christopher Marlowe, A Biography by AL Rowse. published 1964 by Macmillan & Co Ltd.

I have read through the study companion, but I did that when I received all of my OU books, I am going through it again, just as a reminder. I have also read the Assignment booklet and highlighted all the important things like Plagiarism and getting my assignments in on time. 

I just can't wait now, call me crazy, but this is exactly what I want to do and I am very proud of myself for doing this. 

Catch ya later,

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