Cheer up Rosie I woke up 12.30am so am wide awake and going to have a look.
The Bridget Jones reference made me laugh and Mini Cheddars rock!
Ha ha, I had to re-read what I'd written to work out where the Jones reference was! Got it! Ha ha, yes, bizarre.
Mini cheddars do rock. I'm not sure one bag is compensation for two hours of my time, but maybe I'm wrong there. Rocking may be unquantifiable!
Hope you get some more sleep
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Cheer up Rosie
I woke up 12.30am so am wide awake and going to have a look.
The Bridget Jones reference made me laugh
and Mini Cheddars rock!
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Ha ha, I had to re-read what I'd written to work out where the Jones reference was! Got it! Ha ha, yes, bizarre.
Mini cheddars do rock. I'm not sure one bag is compensation for two hours of my time, but maybe I'm wrong there. Rocking may be unquantifiable!
Hope you get some more sleep