OU blog

Personal Blogs

Angela Garratt

Feeling Good.

Visible to anyone in the world

I am feeling quite good about myself right now. I have just booked my first tutorial. 

I have one at Wolverhampton University on the twelfth but that was something my tutor told me about. Of course, I am looking forward to that, but I am pleased with myself because I have actually just booked a tutorial online. 

Though I am good with Windows and computers in general, I am a bit of a cave woman when it coming to booking or buying things online. I see now how this OU course can help me overcome that part of me that is dubious about putting personal details online and ordering and/booking things.

For some crazy reason or another, my heart always seems to skip a beat when I do something out of character, but I usually feel better for it. I have today, took the first step out of my comfort zone and I am very pleased about that. 

You never know, I might actually be a devil and go on Amazon and order a book that I have been wanting for ages.

Catch ya later


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