Not everyone wants to hear any one thing Pete. There'll always be some who do and some who don't. As long as you enjoy it, that's all that matters. Unless you play the recorder. Then you should seek help!
I don't know if you're on facebook, but I typed in TA212 and there is a group for it. You may or may not want to join. I don't usually, but hey, this year's different in all ways!
I never linked your OU site, you are mistaken. However, I did link your wordpress one after passing on the award. Obviously your wordpress blog is linked there too, which I will remove now.
I don't link OU pages unless they are visible to the world. Yours isn't.
I can see where the confusion came in now Wren. If you had clicked the link you would have seen it went to your wordpress site, but I had obviously titled the page OU blogs. I have changed the page name and added in an explanation, so that should make everything crystal clear. Fingers crossed! And I have removed your wordpress site anyway. It was just a useful link for me as I checked out your pictures from time to time. Hope you have fun over there anyway, Rx
sorry R...
I can't wait for my Recorder, it will annoy the 'nextdoors' tho! I am reminded of one of the Dr. Who charactors, by Jon Pertwee I think?New comment
This means that you are one of the people who disturb me Pete!New comment
...dont do the 'om' thing much tho, and I guess its lucky you are somewhere else as my trumpet can also be heard...New comment
The trumpet is fine. It's the recorder I take issue with. Now if my box had contained a trumpet...New comment
I like to think I can make it tuneful for you (all). Let the music take you.....Also...
.... a long time friend said that not everyone wants to hear the trumpet, so I sometimes feel that I'm being 'whatever' as far a some are concernedNew comment
Not everyone wants to hear any one thing Pete. There'll always be some who do and some who don't. As long as you enjoy it, that's all that matters. Unless you play the recorder. Then you should seek help!
I don't know if you're on facebook, but I typed in TA212 and there is a group for it. You may or may not want to join. I don't usually, but hey, this year's different in all ways!
There are lots of....
....things for which folk may suggest that I need help. You may be right here tho, as my recorder playing is, to say the least, a bit rusty!
Well, anyway, and thanks for the prompt, I just clicked the TA212 'ask to join' box. Laurence (my son) got me to sign up to Facebook a few days ago!
New comment
Hi Rosie
please can you take the link to my OU blog off your Wordpress site
I purposely have never made any my OU posts visible to the whole world
and I don't mention the OU on my Wordpress blog
New comment
Hiya Wren,
I never linked your OU site, you are mistaken. However, I did link your wordpress one after passing on the award. Obviously your wordpress blog is linked there too, which I will remove now.
I don't link OU pages unless they are visible to the world. Yours isn't.
New comment
See you there then Pete!New comment
New comment
No problem.
New comment
I can see where the confusion came in now Wren. If you had clicked the link you would have seen it went to your wordpress site, but I had obviously titled the page OU blogs. I have changed the page name and added in an explanation, so that should make everything crystal clear. Fingers crossed! And I have removed your wordpress site anyway. It was just a useful link for me as I checked out your pictures from time to time. Hope you have fun over there anyway, Rx