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ROSIE Rushton-Stone

Got woken up

Visible to anyone in the world
by 'orrible dreams.
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I think it was a full-moon that night! I always gives you weird dreams.

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Sorry 'it', although I do sometimes have that effect on women.
ROSIE Rushton-Stone

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Ha ha ha!!  That's very funny.


That's interesting that it was a full moon.  I'm often affected by things like that but never usually know until after the event.

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That was the most perfect 'typo' I've ever created I think!

Full-moon definately.

ROSIE Rushton-Stone

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Yes, you were a Freudian Devonian for a moment there!

A Freuvonian?  Or a Deveudian?

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A Wurzel Gummidge perhaps: the ultimate idiot savant.
ROSIE Rushton-Stone

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Ha, yes, indeed.  I was terrified of him as a kid!

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Yes very sinister, but not as sinister as Aunt Sally!