It's not for me. It never is. There's only one pie in the world I will eat, and this is not it.
I had a wry smile at something I read this morning. I don't know if I should feel elated by the fact that I smiled rather than smashed the sofa in half, or whether I should feel guilty about the fact that I smiled when someone else is clearly suffering the same game play I had to endure. I didn't smile at their suffering. I smiled at the self-tightened hangman's noose of the perpetrator. Giving away some of the game. Proving that it is indeed a game. Perhaps I need to look at this more akin to a game of chess, rather than outright war.
I learnt a fair bit of the game early on. But seeing it in writing makes it all seem so... so... sick. Sinister. Despicable. Inhuman. But ultimately reassuring. I clearly accidentally attracted a monster similar to my mother. And I am stronger than both. I know this. Now I have to prove it.
The pie is looking like a bit of a disaster. At least I don't have to eat it! It was the pastry that was the problem. I've never used suet before. I had never made pastry until a few weeks ago. Primarily because I don't eat it... there's logic to it! But today is the first go at using suet and there was nothing enjoyable about it. Sticky and tricky. It might have been less stressful if I wasn't in such a rush. Anyway, it's in the oven, and I'm not looking until I hear the timer beep. Well, I might, but I'll try not to. Looking will likely result in a temper tantrum, which whilst would serve to improve the moods of those around me, would do nothing for my new false calm that I am so actively trying to emanate!
I now have some very muddy carrots to scrub, so that will be all from me for now.
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I am sure that scrubbing muddy carrots is very good for the soul/psyche, whatever. Stay calm Rosie. If you pretend, it can become real, like a smile.New comment
I'm not a pastry eater as such either, my we have a lot in common! I will be making pastry tonight as a way of using up left-over chicken. Not for me mind you, but for my boys.
As far as the other stuff goes, I yearn for quiet. I have a love of reading, but not of dirty laundry. Housework has never been my forte, cheesy socks and grotty underpants simply don't do it for me. And to make matters worse, it doesn't stop there, one has to get the iron hot to flatten it all with after
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Hi Sheena,
Yes, it's true, muddy veg have saved me from many a loss of temper! The effort was worth it by all accounts.
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You have to be a bit Zen with pastry I've always found (and I have been a pastry chef before now)New comment
Indeed. I think it was the time restriction which caused the difficulty. It looked good in the end. Well, Rosie-good, not chef-good!New comment
Chef's good is often highly overrated, plus I love the idea of 'Rosie good' it is far more emotive; it brings to mind something made with the love that you wish to offer with the said pie. How did it taste?New comment
I didn't taste it because I don't like steak and kidney pie, but it went down well!
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Good Pie! And I always say Steak and Kidney is one of the greatest pies second only to Steak and Oyster (made with lots of London stout)New comment
So what pie do you eat?New comment
I eat only one pie... the steak and mushroom 2 in 1...
It has been an obsession since I was about four... my step-dad introduced me to them. There was a twenty-year gap between the last two times of having this pie together!