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11/01/2017 12:41

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Edited by Richard Mordecai, Thursday, 12 Jan 2017, 13:23

so today i have started TMA03 ive completed question 1 and ive tried to start question 2 but i am totally stuck. 

Im not the best with sense programing and would totally benefit from some sense programing training. so ill have to see what i can find on the matter. 

any suggestions welcome

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Mark Boone

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Hey Richard,

Sense is an off-shoot of Scratch which is developed for (and only really used by) the OU, so your best bet is to find a tutorial for Scratch.  Before TU100 started, I used this course on edX, and I highly recommend it, but it does take many nights to get through the whole thing, and so not ideal for this TMA.

Modern Scratch is quite a bit advanced on the older version Sense is based on, so not all functions (such as clones or functions) will be available, and this tutorial doesn't really cover lists.  Checking YouTube for some older Scratch tutorials may prove more helpful.


A man with a beard

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I can only agree with Mark Boone and ask in addition; have you read through the Sense programming guide ?

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thanks for the help guys

Ive managed to get a 7 day extension on this so i am going to take it back to basics and study through my sense book to get as much a grasp possible. Hopefully then i can get my head around it.

Ill also use youtube as i have found a couple of good tutorials. 

