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Three Little Monkeys

Sporadic Blogging

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I decided to title this blog Sporadic Blogging as this has been my experience thus far. I decided that I was going to use my Tumblr account to blog through the course of my MAODE firstly to fulfil activity obligations, but also as a bit of a journal and to organise my thoughts, to see where I was at within my thought processes at various times chronologically. 

I must say number one, big tick, I have used it to fulfil obligations, but with regards to the rest, not really. Now I did post a couple of times to try to promote (unsuccessfully) my conference presentation for H818, but apart from that it was all activity based. By the way it should be noted I am fully aware that in order for a blog to be successful and therefore a good promotion tool then a following needs to be cultivated, and for a following to be cultivated then time needs to be spent and consistent postings need to be made. The unsuccessful nature of my promotion did not come as a shock, but it was more an ‘excuse’ to post. I use the word ‘excuse’ as this is how it feels to me when posting a blog, I mostly feel I need to be using my time wisely as it is something I don’t have much of at the moment. On reflection this is completely inaccurate as if I think about it there are many activities that I partake in that if I was prioritising differently I would rearrange. This is not to say they are more or less important, but just a reminder that not having time for something should be very rare as most of us can find the time to do things we would like to do if we are prepared to adjust our priorities.

This blog definitely falls into the category of fulfilling activity obligation, but it also has helped organise my thoughts as well. With regards to the activity itself I did not find any of the findings particularly surprising, however, personally the students who could see no value in studying in this way were, in my view, missing out on some important experiences. I think that the more interactions you have and the wider audience you reach, the more opportunity there is to see a point of view, or achieve some outcome or interact in a way that will help you see a particular point in a way that otherwise you would not. I have thought a lot about how I can use blogging in the future, one way that will be helpful to me, and it will mean moving my Blog at some point in the future, is for teaching purposes. I am retraining to be a secondary school teacher starting in September and I hope to incorporate blogging into my regular practice. I’m not 100% sure how this will manifest itself yet, but I’m sure the reading of my blog will be a weekly requirement, and will be a way to communicate information and start conversations to aid upcoming lessons etc. I’m aware this will be time consuming but I will be prioritising this because as Stephen Downes asserts, you must lead by example and write a blog first if you are going to require your students to do so at some point (paraphrase), and I will. You can find this paper by Stephen Downes at https://www.academia.edu/2869149/Blogs_in_Learning and for anybody that happens to be reading this, not connected to H800 the paper in this activity is Characterising the different blogging behaviours of students on  online distance learning course by Kerawalla et al.

On reflection maybe I should have called this blog priorities or the illusion of time or something like that, but it wasn’t planned in any way and I just started writing and so I’m not prepared to contrive it in this way, so Sporadic Blogging is the name by which it is known.

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Interesting blog Andrew I like the picture. I suspect my blog will also be rather sporadic. A great idea to incorporate it into your teaching, how will you aim to ensure that your students read it? I post resources, questions and pre reading to my students but a fair few, well quite a few actually do not read them. The reward is those that do. You can lead a horse to water and gently guide its nose but you can't make it drink 🍹 


Three Little Monkeys

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Hi Elizabeth, thanks for your comment. I would question the type of drink you are trying to give your horsesmile When it comes to type of use, I would also be looking to use it as pre-reading and link to resources with a hope of encouraging some to blog themselves, with regards to how I will be getting my students to read the blog then I think it will really be something I would have to decide once I have met that particular class and the school I will be at also. For example the school may apply sanctions for non completion of homework, but hopefully some good positive reinforcement could aid me. You work in higher education right? So I guess your approach will be slightly different than mine will be

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That's a real shame about your conference presentation, Andrew. I think with the amount of work we each have sometimes we don't give enough time to supporting other students. Counterproductive to how the course is supposed to work, but often the way it goes!
Three Little Monkeys

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Hi Sian, I did mean to reply sooner, I think the conference presentation comment needs clarification. The only part that was unsuccessful was in trying to disseminate my work to the wider community through Twitter and such like. I was under no illusions that suddenly out of nowhere people unconnected to the course would start reading my work and sign up for the conference. My point was that promotion of this type will only be successful once that follwing has been nurtured.