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Gemma Pledger

TMA result time...

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Edited by Gemma Pledger, Sunday, 25 Jun 2017, 09:19

So I don't know about anyone else , but when I submit my TMAs I always have a sense of dread. I go to submit it, then just as I'm about to attach it, I decide that I need to open the document again, just to check it's correct and all the saves have been made. After another re-read and spell check, I then go back and reattach it, despite the fact that at this point I will have already done this several times. 

Everyday from that day until I get my result, I check. I check again, and I check again! Then all of a sudden the e-mail has come in to say my result is ready to be collected, at this point I then feel the dread again. It's a strange feeling, almost like I don't really want to know, but I understand that I have to! 

I log on to the Student homepage and download the file, and as I open that document and read the Assessment Summary, I realise that I tried my best and in fact there were some really good things about what I have written. At this point I always take some time to read the notes on my assignment because I find these really helpful. The feedback from my Tutor is invaluable to me because it helps me see things that I would normally not pay any attention to. 

As I am reading my Assessment summary this time, I'm super happy with what I'm reading, and then I get to the final sentence; "You just need to be mindful not to use personal pronouns". I'm absolutely mortified, I cannot believe I had let this happen again! I absolutely kicked myself, as this was mentioned in my TMA02, and I tried really hard in TMA03 not to do this, there were still a couple that crept in at the end, however the comments were that it was much improved. So this time I took  for granted that I thought I had mastered how to write without using them, and paid less attention to it than I had last time. 

I think the overall feeling was one of "you stupid girl, imagine how many marks you probably lost for doing that AGAIN. Imagine the mark you would have potentially got, if you had spent more time concentrating on not using personal pronouns, than you did repeatedly spell checking"!

So lesson learnt, there will never be another personal pronoun, ever again.... She says wink 

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As soon as you submit TMA0n, create TMA0n+1.  Put at the top the question and any notes you need to remember as you write it.  For example, read the guidance with the question, underline the key points and put them in the TMA document.  Add any comments from your tutor.  Mark all this in bold or some colour and leave it there until you are about to submit the TMA, then delete it.

By having the question mind while studying, you will think of things you want to say in your TMA so you can make notes right in the TMA document ("Must refer to hedgehog juggling on page 123").

You can include "Remove all pronouns" and "References need page numbers" and "word count can go 10% over" and "the deadline is mid-day 1st July" and anything else you might need to remind yourself in those last days and hours before the TMA submission deadline.