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Les Haines

Travelling... and jet lag

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Edited by Les Haines, Wednesday, 10 Jan 2018, 10:57

So spent most of the last two days in the skies of the world.. travelling from Birmingham to Adelaide to see family for four weeks...

This means Ill be on the other side of the planet when this course starts, which I am seeing as an interesting dynamic, but not off putting. Probably, to be realistic won't make the early tutorials but Ill manage somehow.. all worth while to be in blue skies and sunshine, and all of my family whom I only see once a year if Im lucky..

Spent the flight listening to Faustus (which meant i slept a lot!).... only joking. Took the opportunity to listen and read the whole play. I can thoroughly recommend this way of studying. Being able to read the script whilst listening to the performance made the whole thing much more interesting and fascinating, because you can listen to the nuances and tempo of the spoken words....

Completely jet lagged now though.... so a bit stuffed until my brain turns from the mush that is..

Im in Adelaide, in fact Seaford, a town to the south, and have been here many times. Getting used to the Aussies can take a while bit always great fun.. and I love it hereĀ 

.Its hot, Im jet lagged and all over the place. Will try and get my notes down on Faustus tomorrow, maybe when Im thinking a bit more clearly...

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