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Sharon Marie Harriman

it's all starting to make some kind of sense now...

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Having spent today doing the introduction assignment{ pre tma 01 teaser if you will}  it's all begiining to make a little more sense now...but then it does help to read through things now doesn't it.

however, there's plenty of nooks and crannies on this website that can be still overwhelming.. so small steps taken to avoid bigger steps backwards..

so i feel that i'm still getting used to navigating around these parts.. i still get a little lost.. but that's ok right!

as long as i find my way in the end is all that matters.

 though i'm oh so slightly concerned as just a week ago i had to reset my computer and i'm not sure if it's a programming issue or very slow internet but my pc keeps sticking... so i need to try and not stress about that now..

anyway i've done enough for today... logging back on tomorrow to refresh and keep updated and perhaps to lose and find my way back again.

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Me in a rare cheerful mood

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"Having spent today doing the introduction assignment… my pc keeps sticking"

It is practising for when you are within a day of a TMA deadline submission and preparing you for the future.

Some people wil advise starting TMAs early and having them ready a few days before the deadine.  This, apparently, reduces stress, allows time to reflect and revise the content and generally makes for a more grown-up mature student experience.

Yeah, right.  Then there's the rest of us!  I've never been in that happy place myself.

Experience has taught me that TMA submission days always co-incide with:

  • work phoning needing something NOW;
  • not being able to work out how to reference the secondary quote made in that video on the other module's web site;
  • your internet connection being flaky;
  • spending hours not being able to work out where that quote came from;
  • the OU Library web site playing up;
  • an OU web site upgrade changing random stuff;
  • the next door neighbour installing a WiFi point with the same channel as yours (but you won't work this out as the most recent cause for slowness for weeks);
  • a paragraph not being there that you are sure you typed in;
  • running out of white wine and/or biscuits and/or chocolate;
  • the TMA submission system going down.

The module material is the easy stuff.  It's life and technology that make it hard.  smile

(Doing TMAs in advance?  Ho, ho, ho, ho, ho!  Not in my life!)

Sharon Marie Harriman

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Thanks Simon Reed for taking the time out of your study time.. 

i guess it's all bound to happen at some point isn't it.. all what you said.. regarding the implications of getting prepared for your TMA  etc.