Personal Blogs
I submitted my first TMA this evening.
It's very scary pressing the submit button but extremely satisfying also. Now it's a long wait until I receive my marked assignment together with my feedback. I'm going to have a couple of days of relaxation before I hit the books again.
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"I submitted my first TMA this evening.
It's very scary pressing the submit button but extremely satisfying
Ain't it just! Do that about 40 more times and they'll give you a degree. Easy squeezy!
"I'm going to have a couple of days of relaxation before I hit the books again."
Suggestion: if possible, don't do that. Spend at least a little time every day on your study. Don't break the routine. Also, don't think of not studying as recreation. You should be doing the degree because you want to do it, so make it your hobby. Rewarding yourself by not studying will make it really hard to return to after a really hard unit, a tough TMA or tricky module. The hardest part of doing a distance-learning degree is motivation, and the best way to deal with that is momentum. Additionally, the clock goes fastest when it is not being watched: the days will run past you when you're not studying and there is a risk of falling behind without noticing. Spending just a few minutes every day reading something, even just one page, means you will keep track of where you are and where you should be. It also makes study a habit, which removes one of the other blockers: having to go back to it when you can't be bothered. And waiting for a TMA to be marked and returned as a reason not to study is a terrible temptation - don't walk into that trap. Instead, avoid it by carrying on.
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Thanks for the advice Simon
By relaxation I really meant catching up on housework.
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