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Emre Acaroglu

Activity 4.6.1 Distributed and positional leadership

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  • How is leadership distributed?

there are predesigned levels of leadership here, all positional. There is the federation, then the principle and the English department head. we are not given any information on teachers, i assume they are not included in this scheme.

  • Who is accountable?

eventually the federation. but at the present time, practically it was first the department head (left) and the principal (overruled).

  • At what point do those with positional leadership roles feel that they should intervene and why do they do so?

they intervened at the point that the school (and the leadership of the school) may not be able to deal with the situation effectively, by its own resources. but i rather think that there is something unfair in this entire scheme. the principal had sought for help and resources (a new English department chief) but was not provided with. so the leadership of the federation actually failed to create the environment and resources for the perceived (by the school) change.

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