Why I would choose Attribute-ShareAlike 2.0. Generic (CC BY-SA 2.0) as the Most Appropriate Creative Common Licence.
Saturday, 18 May 2019, 18:47
Visible to anyone in the world
Edited by Tabitha Naisiko, Wednesday, 30 Oct 2019, 14:39
On the introduction of OER in Uganda, I would recommend to use of
the creative commons licence called Attribute-ShareAlike 2.0. Generic (CC BY-SA
2.0). Under this licence, one can share (copy and redistribute the material in
any medium or format. The OER in this arrangement can also be adapted (remix,
transform, and build upon the material for any purpose, even commercially. The
licensor cannot revoke these freedoms if one follows the licence terms of
attribution and share-alike. I recommend this CC licence because, through
attribution, it ensures the required academic quality by preventing the
temptation to plagiarise. It also allows commercial use whereby based on the
intensified need for OER, private practitioners can be engaged and regulated in
reproducing and distributing to remote areas at a subsidized fee. This would
promote innovations and job creation to the remote areas where otherwise nobody
would be motivated thus excluding the rural areas from participation in open
education. Besides it is a tendency of
Ugandans to value and sustain something they have spent money on, than
not. Furthermore, based on the study in
Portugal’s public universities, it was found that academic staff want to be
acknowledged when they have produced OERs (Cardoso, Morgado, Teixeira, 2019).
The acknowledgement in Uganda is also a basis for academic promotion, the chosen licence would motivate staff and build scholarship but also promote
academic mobility.
Why I would choose Attribute-ShareAlike 2.0. Generic (CC BY-SA 2.0) as the Most Appropriate Creative Common Licence.
On the introduction of OER in Uganda, I would recommend to use of the creative commons licence called Attribute-ShareAlike 2.0. Generic (CC BY-SA 2.0). Under this licence, one can share (copy and redistribute the material in any medium or format. The OER in this arrangement can also be adapted (remix, transform, and build upon the material for any purpose, even commercially. The licensor cannot revoke these freedoms if one follows the licence terms of attribution and share-alike. I recommend this CC licence because, through attribution, it ensures the required academic quality by preventing the temptation to plagiarise. It also allows commercial use whereby based on the intensified need for OER, private practitioners can be engaged and regulated in reproducing and distributing to remote areas at a subsidized fee. This would promote innovations and job creation to the remote areas where otherwise nobody would be motivated thus excluding the rural areas from participation in open education. Besides it is a tendency of Ugandans to value and sustain something they have spent money on, than not. Furthermore, based on the study in Portugal’s public universities, it was found that academic staff want to be acknowledged when they have produced OERs (Cardoso, Morgado, Teixeira, 2019). The acknowledgement in Uganda is also a basis for academic promotion, the chosen licence would motivate staff and build scholarship but also promote academic mobility.