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Jenny Duckworth

As good as gold? A guide to Open Access publishing options in ecology and conservation journals

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Edited by Jenny Duckworth, Tuesday, 25 Feb 2020, 11:51

H818 Conference presentation

As good as gold? A guide to Open Access publishing options in ecology and conservation journals

Thursday 13th February, 10.55-11.10

Link to multimedia poster (not screen readable): 


Audio version of poster: 


Transcript to accompany audio: 


Draft website


Slides from conference presentation



Academic careers are built on research outputs and their dissemination, so publication in well-regarded journals is a priority. This is particularly the case for researchers early in their careers who need to publish to gain a ‘foot in the door’ within academia and build their reputations. This presentation will introduce a multimedia guide to Open Access (OA) publishing options for early career researchers in ecology and conservation in the UK.

In contrast to the ‘traditional’ approach of publishing articles in journals that can be read via a paid-for subscription or one-off charge, OA makes them freely available to readers (JISC, 2019). This means that they reach a wider audience, so the research gets more exposure and is cited more (Piwowar et al., 2018). OA is increasingly being mandated by research funders, with the main UK funding bodies, including the Research Councils and Wellcome Trust, making OA publication of research outputs a requirement.

There are two main approaches to OA: ‘green’ (where articles are made available via digital repositories) and ‘gold’ (where articles are made free to read in journals), but the latter may involve payment of an article processing charge (APC) by the authors. Through the gold route, the author may choose to pay to publish in a fully OA journal, or make it OA within a ‘hybrid’ journal that has a mixture of OA and pay-to-read articles. Several other OA ‘options’ have appeared more recently, including ‘platinum’ journals, which do not levy an APC on the authors, and ‘bronze’, where publishers make an article OA but only for a limited period of time and/or without an open licence (Piwowar et al., 2018). Articles can also be made available via ‘black’ OA, through illegal sites such as SciHub (Björk, 2016).

Although most OA journals are considered ‘credible’ through their listing in the Directory of Open Access Journals (Tennant et al., 2019) there has been a rise in so-called ‘predatory’ OA journals. These take advantage of researchers through promises of rapid publication or low APCs but peer review is minimal or absent and quality compromised (McCann and Polacsek, 2017)

With the range of OA ‘options’ available, it can be difficult for researchers, particularly those early in their careers, to know how to choose the best OA ‘option’ whilst ensuring they publish in a high quality journal. A multimedia guide has therefore been produced to support early career researchers in navigating the different OA options. This guide, which will be demonstrated during the conference presentation, is hosted on a website and includes a short video introduction to the OA ‘options’. The accompanying text provides an overview of each ‘option’ and factors to consider when choosing them, together with links to further information where appropriate. It also includes some worked examples for different ecology and conservation journals, covering costs and any publishing conditions, to help authors make an informed publication choice. 

Björk, B-C. (2016) ‘Gold, green and black open access’, Learned Publishing, vol. 30, pp. 173-175 [Online]. Available at: https://onlinelibrary-wiley-com.libezproxy.open.ac.uk/doi/full/10.1002/leap.1096 (Accessed 29 December 2019).

JISC (2019) An introduction to Open Access [Online]. Available at: https://www.jisc.ac.uk/guides/an-introduction-to-open-access (Accessed 29 December 2019).

McCann, T.V. and Polacsek, M. (2017) ‘False gold: safely navigating open access publishing to avoid predatory publishers and journals’, Journal of Advanced Nursing, vol. 74, pp. 809-817 [Online]. Available at: https://onlinelibrary-wiley-com.libezproxy.open.ac.uk/doi/full/10.1111/jan.13483 (Accessed 29 December 2019).

Piwowar, H., Priem, J., Larivière, V., Alperin, J.P., Matthias, L., Norlander, B., Farley, A., West, J. and Haustein, S. (2018) ‘The state of OA: a large-scale analysis of the prevalence and impact of Open Access Articles’, PeerJ 6:e4375 [Online]. Available at: https://doi.org/10.7717/peerj.4375 (Accessed 29 December 2019).

Tennant, J.P., Crane, H., Crick, T. et al. (2019) ‘Ten hot topics in scholarly publishing’, Publications, vol. 7, issue 2, [Online]. Available at: https://www.mdpi.com/2304-6775/7/2/34/htm (Accessed 3 January 2020).

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Simon Ball

Questions from the Conference

Hi Jenny

Here are the questions and comments from your conference presentation - please respond in whatever way you wish!

Best wishes

  • What is the range of costs for APC's?
  • Good idea "as simple as possible"!!!
  • Great looking resource
  • Its looks fabulous 
  • Interesting about the cost element - I guess that could put early career researchers off being open until they start getting more support from research funders
  • Yes, got appetite to read immediately!
  • Jenny, your online guide is very good and I love the visual look
  • Really clear site Jenny well done
  • This is a really useful resource
  • Are you planning to have a Q&A section where early career researchers could ask questions (e.g. a forum though I know that means monitoring)?
  • I don't understand the economics of it! Was publishing papers ever a source of income for reserachers or  is engagement a greater prize?
  • What are the main ways of knowing how credible an OA journal is (not just for the field of ecology and conversation)?
  • You have really pushed yourself out of your comfort zone. Very well done
  • Will you continue with this project H818? If so,I will be using it
  • Jenny, you've made excellent use of networks to develop your OA site and your skills
  • publishing can be a small source of income, but only if authors are registered with the Authors Copyright and Licencing Society and hold the copyright.  https://www.alcs.co.uk/
  • Do you have plans for sharing to get it to people who'd find it useful? 
  • Could your finished project be adapted for other subject areas? (Open source it!)
  • Jenny, do ask us in your H818 network for ideas of how to reach those who need your OA website.
  • You say you were out of your comfort zone - I would never have guessed - fantastic project
  • ask for help re the video within your network Jenny
  • Do journal publishers have their own OA info pages? Can you connect?
  • there are ways to combat the spam comments - I've got some tips
  • Comment option can be moderated..but agree spam is a problem
  • Connecting with other journals could be achieved by having links menu and adding your Twitter feed to the site


Jenny Duckworth

Response to questions

Thanks for the questions Simon - I've responded in bold below:

  • What is the range of costs for APC's? there’s quite a range – for smaller, less well known journals it could be something like £200 to over £3000 for a well known journal. There’s a table on my ‘gold’ page that gives some examples
  • Good idea "as simple as possible"!!!
  • Great looking resource
  • Its looks fabulous Thanks!  
  • Interesting about the cost element - I guess that could put early career researchers off being open until they start getting more support from research funders Yes, it’s potentially a big issue. Although many researchers (e.g. those doing PhDs) do have funding (from major researchers such as the UK Research Councils or their own institutions) that would cover APCs, not all do. And it could be offputting for individual independent researchers.
  • Yes, got appetite to read immediately!
  • Jenny, your online guide is very good and I love the visual look
  • Really clear site Jenny well done
  • This is a really useful resource Thanks! All very much appreciated
  • Are you planning to have a Q&A section where early career researchers could ask questions (e.g. a forum though I know that means monitoring)? That’s a good idea but yes, it would need monitoring and there’s potentially an issue about spam etc (see below). I’ve given a link to my Twitter feed but am also considering giving a link to my email too so people can ask questions
  • I don't understand the economics of it! Was publishing papers ever a source of income for reserachers or  is engagement a greater prize? No, it was never source of income for researchers. It’s the publishers who receive the income – under the ‘subscription’ model this is covered by subscription to the journal or paying to access an article. Under OA the publishers don’t get the subscription income but do receive APC. There’s quite a bit of controversy about this but publishers argue that they need to cover their costs e.g. typesetting etc. The money has to come from somewhere… But under OA the costs have shifted from readers to authors…
  • What are the main ways of knowing how credible an OA journal is (not just for the field of ecology and conversation)? The Journal Impact Factor can give an idea, but again, this is a bit controversial too. Check out the ‘choosing your journal’ page on my website. There are a few links there (as a reference citation – e.g. 4 and 7) to recent articles that cover this in more detail
  • You have really pushed yourself out of your comfort zone. Very well done Thanks – still not feeling particularly comfortable though!
  • Will you continue with this project H818? If so,I will be using it Yes, that’s my intention 😊
  • Jenny, you've made excellent use of networks to develop your OA site and your skills
  • publishing can be a small source of income, but only if authors are registered with the Authors Copyright and Licencing Society and hold the copyright.  https://www.alcs.co.uk/ Interesting, thanks for the link
  • Do you have plans for sharing to get it to people who'd find it useful? That’s my next challenge! I’ve got some contacts in my own ‘bit’ of the OU (School of Environment, Earth and Ecosystem Sciences) and, once the website is in a more ‘polished’ state, I’m hoping to promote it to them and hopefully to PhD students within the School. But I’m not at that point yet…
  • Could your finished project be adapted for other subject areas? (Open source it!) Yes it could – much of it applies to all subject areas – I’ve got a table in there that gives examples for ecology/conservation journals, but this could be adapted pretty easily (ok, it would take time…) for other subjects.
  • Jenny, do ask us in your H818 network for ideas of how to reach those who need your OA website. Thanks – all suggestions welcome
  • You say you were out of your comfort zone - I would never have guessed - fantastic project Thanks!
  • ask for help re the video within your network Jenny Thanks, will do
  • Do journal publishers have their own OA info pages? Yes they do Can you connect? I’ve given links to these in the table on my ‘gold’ page – obviously they are just examples though
  • there are ways to combat the spam comments - I've got some tips
  • Comment option can be moderated..but agree spam is a problem Any suggestions of ways to combat spam comments would be welcome, thanks
  • Connecting with other journals could be achieved by having links menu and adding your Twitter feed to the site There’s a link to my Twitter feed on the sidebar menu

Simon Ball

H818 Presentation Star

Congratulations Jenny!
Your presentation at the H818 Online Conference 2020 has been voted by audience members as one of the most effective presentations, and you are one of the winners of this year's Presentation Star awards!
You may download your award certificate from https://drive.google.com/open?id=1whAHt67nTTucB9XFXYHVTzW_R847t1Z3

Well done and many Congratulations!

Simon Ball
H818 Conference Organiser