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Edited by Mohammad Aminul Islam, Tuesday, 21 Jan 2020, 07:26

Dear all,

Please find my poster and abstract for online conference.

Title: What Factors Impact on Bangladeshi Teachers’ Access in Open Education Platforms?

13th February, Session 1  09:40 a.m

Poster Link



Title: What Factors Impact on Bangladeshi Teachers’ Access in Open Education Platforms?

13th February, Session 1  09:40 a.m.

The presentation aims at exploring factors to understand more on inclusivity to realize opportunities, people’s choice, preferences (blended, fully-online or face-to-face) to join open education platforms. It also focuses on discovering ways how the tertiary teachers of Bangladesh accommodate themselves with technology while acquiring knowledge, developing essential skill in their own context.  On the other hand, as it is seen that the charging provision for accessing in resources, this study will look into the impact and viability on participants of developing countries to join in open education platforms. In addition, this study is expected to highlight a road map for digital frontier to think on extending opportunities of digital-age learning Hence, it is believed that this study will help us to measure developing countries participants’ perceived affordances compared to global audience and to what extent they have access to education worldwide.

Observing the recent practices in open education platforms, it is important to note to what extent inclusiveness, equitable access affect participants’ access to join in open education platforms when we find David Willy’s  ‘5R’s framework’ of Open Education Movement (OEM to remix, revise, reuse, retain and redistribute is at stake and commercialized in the name of retention. The limited study on potential market based on open education platforms with an appropriate and reliable pricing model (Shi et.al..,2018) , role of  technology to create more impact on learning (LI,  2014)  along with  determining perceived cost of joining in open educational platforms ( Abramovich & McBride, 2018) will enrich this presentation.


Looking at the identified  affordances ( social, technological and financial ) the course designers will be able to rethink or revisit design to mediate different online platforms of technology mediated teaching. Furthermore, it can be said that pricing should reside at the point where marginal benefit of the product equals its marginal cost . In this regard, it is important that the course providers are aware of consumers’ Willingness-To-Pay (WTP) to consider their point of  Willingness-To-Accept (WTA) to run the course. This study will also help the policy makers to mark what factors are hindering the participants from joining in these platforms. It will give insights to planner to open up the opportunity and to address on factors to extend participation in open education platforms (Pechenkina & Aeschliman, 2017). As for teachers’  of developing countries , this study will help to explore the pedagogical viability,  intelligence in technology decisions to adapt using open educational platforms and harmonize technological choice.

Apparently, it is true that the access through digital inclusion influences engagement of individuals which is determined by multitude factors. Open educational platforms can act as a “bridge” between formal and informal learning. As we observe the McDonaldisation of higher education’ and ‘commodification of culture’, through this study we can determine which factors are hindering for inclusivity and participation in open education platforms. We also can get direction innovative solution targeting the developing country users.

Total word 485



Abramovich, S., McBride, M., (2018) ‘Open education resources and perceptions of financial value’. Internet and Higher Education , vol.39, pp.33–38. doi:10.1016/j.iheduc.2018.06.002,  [Online] Available at 

https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S1096751617303500  (Accessed  05 December, 2019).


LI, K.C., (2014) ‘How flexible do students prefer their learning to be?’ Asian Association of Open Universities Journal , vol. 9, pp. 35–46,  doi:10.1108/aaouj-09-01-2014-b004, [Online] Available at  https://www.emerald.com/insight/content/doi/10.1108/AAOUJ-09-01-2014-B004/full/pdf?title=how-flexible-do-students-prefer-their-learning-to-be

(Accessed  08 December, 2019).

Pechenkina, E., Aeschliman, C., (2017) ‘What Do Students Want? Making Sense of Student Preferences in Technology-enhanced Learning’. CONTEMPORARY EDUCATIONAL TECHNOLOGY, vol. 8, pp.26–39, [Online] Available at 

https://files.eric.ed.gov/fulltext/EJ1126820.pdf (Accessed  05 December, 2019).


Shi, Y., Li, X., Haller, A., (2018) ‘Knowledge pricing structures on MOOC platform-A use case analysis on edX’, in: Pacific Asia Conference on Information Systems. [Online] Available at  https://www.researchgate.net/publication/324889731_Knowledge_pricing_structures_on_MOOC_platform_-_A_use_case_analysis_on_edX , (Accessed  11 December, 2019).

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Simon Ball

Questions from the conference

Hi Aminul

Here are the questions and comments from your conference presentation - please respond in whatever way you wish!

Best wishes

  • What is the smartphone penetration like in Bangladesh (and data access to the internet) ?
  • More courses are being produced to work on smartphones -- but it seems like this is  a 'second best' experience for learners. To what extent is the expectation that learners will access using smartphones?
  • Aminul, you might also want to look at Dr Patrina Law's research on OER and OpenLearn http://oro.open.ac.uk/view/person/pjl264.html (e.g. her co-authored paper with Perryman 'how OpenLearn supports a business model for OER)
  • OER platforms need to be mobile responsive for effective smartphone use - OpenLearn is but we're working on it for OpenLearn Create
  • Interesting re offline -- how does this balance with the desire of learning designers to create more interactive learning?
  • Can you say more about local learning hubs? and MOOC camps?
  • How do motivate local participants to use offline  courses?
  • agree need for OER needs to be mobile friendly, experience in ireland with EIlearn suggests 
  • Not everone has access to devices globally; therefore offline  access needed?
  • how about blended learning?