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When designing Web-applications

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When designing web-applications

Project Development Plan

By using an architectural approach, the complexities involved in designing web-applications like any other computational software system, can be broken down into a set of procedural processes.

Good Project Management plays an important role in developing successful quality assured products, that also fulfill requirements of the clients.

Careful organisation and planning of the step-by-step design processes ...

By initially gathering business requirements from clients, developers can begin the design process by putting together rough drafts. Firstly drawn with pencil and paper offering a basic diagrammatical form of lines and boxes, representing the various system components to help further along communications between clients and developers.

Wireframing enables a transition from the initial ideas of the clients, tweaked and adapted with the knowledge, skills and resources of the website developers.

Rough drafts often do not convey a large amount of information, because they leave out detail, actual content, images and any thing that could cause a distraction away from concentrating upon the overall organisation of webpages, page elements and the Web-application itself.

Moving a long a bit but still in the early stages of design and development, wireframing techniques are used to create a mock up or prototype of the currents business requirements. By using a creative design software tool called Pencil Evolus, with its interactive features and tool box of objects; these objects are representative to the standards webpage elements such as text box, button, window frame, image container....

Using these tools and objects webpages can be created in a very basic way, to create a conceptual model of the whole website, that also allows for the implementation of interactive features like testing navigation and hyperlinks; allowing developers to bring back to the table for further discussions with clients, a visual design approach enabling clients realise more clearly what may be developed in the future from their own initial requirements. At this stage there is time for making decisions and addressing concerns, developers can share their own ideas with clients, especially drawing attention to the many standard features and elements that in these modern times, the majority of websites include.

This is a cost effective and faster way to bring a design model to clients, before moving further along in the production stages, because changes things later on becomes more difficult, times consuming and costly.

Other bits:

Managing the complexities of computational Software Systems an architectural approach, built upon well organised development project
[ ] Understanding a software system in regards to its environment
[ ] Happens early on
[ ] Especially (expensive and) hard to change components
[ ] Started with.... Focusing on have to right elements
[ ] Design issues considered
[ ] A set of architectural design decisions....
[ ] A set of various models and structures along the way, including the decisions analysed or considered and the rationale about those decisions that lead to the next step in design
[ ] Insight into decisions and rationale behind them has helped Software system research and development
[ ] Knowledge management?
[ ] "Chain of intentionality" from high-level to low-level

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