Edited by Sharon Hartles, Saturday, 20 Feb 2021, 15:55
If you have an interest in State-Corporate Crime or State-Corporate Harm and want to read more about how it infiltrates and impacts on the day to day lives of its citizens - Visit: https://sharonhartles.weebly.com/
If these articles are used as part of module material readings/module content, or student recommended reading lists, do drop me a courtesy email (sh28739@ou.ac.uk) (or contact via @shartles1) as others have done. I am encouraged to know how popular these articles are. I am also happy to inform of latest publications, (as others have requested).
State-Corporate Crime Articles
Primodos: The first step towards justice https://oucriminology.wordpress.com/2020/07/21/primodos-the-first-step-towards-justice/ (21.07.2020)