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More arts please

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Edited by Sonia King, Friday, 13 Nov 2020, 21:17

As the government, in their not so infinite wisdom, declared in one of the recent editions of lockdown guidance, only proper lessons should carry on, non of that music or drama malarkey. Obviously I am paraphrasing but the general gist was tuition out side school could go ahead, but only if it was a 'proper subject' and no extra curricula... then gave some example, music, drama, art. Having watched the pantomime outside no 10 today you would have though that drama was more up their list but hey ho. Thankfully someone pointed out the stupidity of this and they changed their stance.

In a previous edition of covid 19 guidance it was said that home education activities could go ahead in groups as usual as long as they were educational and not purely for social purposes. Again possibly highlighting why certain people in power are visibly lacking the skills required to get along with one another... 

While the powers that be continue to separate subjects into valid and not, while they declare that social activities are not educationally beneficial, all that's happening is education as a whole continues to rot. What is life without beautiful things, song, or dance. How have we even come to a point in life where singing and dancing is illegal rather than something to adapt so as to keep it safe in the current times?   

All subjects specific learning pre 16 should just be chucked in the sea and instead cross curricula, project based, exciting and full of the arts education should become the thing. It would make the world a much nicer place long term. Promises.  

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I have to agree so much Sonia. My 6 year old does ballet, gymnastics and swimming after school. All of them have massive educational benefits for her, quite apart from keeping her fit and healthy. All of them teach her discipline, 'getting along' as well as creativity, which we so need in our learners. She comes home from the sessions happy, telling us all about what she did that was new, or what she did really well and how much fun she had. 

I make no pretence of being an artsy person, but singing along to a good song in the car, or joining in a frozen 2 singalong guarantees a smile on my face- arts is about so much more than what you 'learn'. It is about what you feel.