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Implementing Connectivism

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Thinking back to the course I outlined to develop digital skills in a previous blog in relation to H817 week 8, I can see many connection to  a Connectivist approach.  I was planning to frame the course around question which students would use the resources given to investigate further - for example: 

  • Why do I need to be successful in a digital world?
  • Why are digital skills necessary?
  • Why should I have a positive online profile?
  • Why is this important for teens?
  • Why is it necessary to evaluate online sources and check their attribution?
  • How do I created a positive online profile?
  • How do I help my students to created a positive online profile?
  • How do I search for and evaluate sources?
  • How do I contribute to a supportive online  community/
  • How do I build beneficial relationships online?
  • How do I become successful in the digital world?

These questions are not exhaustive and would be added to by the learning community as the project develops. Similarly, the investigation  would begin with the given resources, but soon expand into learing making their own searches and testing for currency, authority and accuracy, which is an essential skill of the course. . 

Taking this further inline with the key principles of connectivism devised by Siemens, the goal would be to collaboratively create a digital skills user guide. The guide would develop according to the initial investigation combined with the knowledge, skills and experiences of the students.  The role of the tutor would be to guide, challenge assumptions and ask questions to provoke deeper thought.  

Learning and knowledge would reside with the individuals, the community and the technology.  There is the possibility to find out more than is currently known, through  the shared experiences as individuals explore new areas and share with the group. 

The responsibility for "Nurturing and maintaining connections is needed to facilitate continual learning" may begin with the tutor, but becomes the responsibility of the whole group as individual become expert in different aspects of knowledge and skills.  Learners will begin to make connections between concepts and decide what should and should not be included in the Digital user guide.

Considering the ever changing face of technology, I am certain that learners will find things which are right today may not be right tomorrow.

I am reminded of when I was watching "The Social Dilemma" on Netflicks where they were interviewing employees from  different tech companies.  One person interviewed was from FaceBook. He had designed and lunched  the 'Like'  button which he thought was a cool idea ... he had no idea of its addictive quality and the potential impact on the mental health of young teens 

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