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Annie Storkey

Draft methodology chapter

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This week I submitted assignment 7, a draft methodology chapter. It is a month early but November is a busy month for me as I have marking from all my modules, one of them twice, so I have planned ahead with my doctorate workload. I actually wrote this draft chapter in September, just adding the practical bits about final sampling this week. 

I'm pleased with what I've written and can see it coming together but it is slightly frustrating to draft the methodology chapter before you've finished the data collection phase as it is necessarily incomplete; there may still be adaptations to my methodology as I progress. I've also got ideas for including personal reflection at various points but I think that is hard to do before the chapter is finalised. The personal reflection is an exciting development as I can see my practice already transforming as I interview students about their support needs.

But for now my mind needs to be on recruitment and interviewing and how this can be developed further, alongside providing the support my students need to fulfil their potential.


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