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Christmas Pantomime in Second Life, 2008

Visible to anyone in the world

If anyone wants to do a response to the previous post about my photographs of the Christmas pantomime, they can do so here.


(There does seem to be an anomaly in the blog software? When I do a post which is for everyone, people can make comments, and also when I'm typing the original comment I have all the features above to do things like make the script italic, make it bold, etc.

When I do a 'Open University' only post, I don't have these features and no one can make comments.)

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Breen's talent...

..shines through like a star!


That was great Breen, many thanks. I've worked in real panto (72 performances on followspot!) and your pics sure look like that real thing - what a lot of work you must have all put in. Many thanks for putting the slides together and doing all the commentary!

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Awww, thank you Hilary. I was just one of the actors, I think the scriptwriter Psi and of course Elsa who organised it all and did lots of stuff, and Kick and other people put in more effort than me.


I concentrated on just enjoying myself.


(Ooops, now I've insulted the other actors!!!)