Without a doubt our clients/customers are the most important external stakeholder. Their feedback, say and input to design is why we win work.
Second Choice:
Professional bodies:
Changes in standards, best practice make a big difference to the design and ultimately, the safety of our customers.
Third Choice:
Suppliers also contribute on an engineering level and so their input and also ability through the supply chain to deliver a quality product on time is essential
My Three external Stakeholders
First Choice:
Customers or service users:
Without a doubt our clients/customers are the most important external stakeholder. Their feedback, say and input to design is why we win work.
Second Choice:
Professional bodies:
Changes in standards, best practice make a big difference to the design and ultimately, the safety of our customers.
Third Choice:
Suppliers also contribute on an engineering level and so their input and also ability through the supply chain to deliver a quality product on time is essential