It is now TMA 02 week and I am struggling a lot on this one. I was a bit unsure why Art had anything to do with cultures or Creative writing for that matter, but I read the EMA question and realized why. What we need to do for that question is we need analyze words and to be able to do that we need to practice analyzing what better way to practice? Is practice on Art. So I get why we need to do this, but I am no good at it, really no good at it.
My tutor is awesome! I emailed her asking if I have the question correct and she did explain it better which is great because if I do not understand it then how on earth am I going to pass? I want to pass this module but I have to take it one assignment at a time otherwise I really will get overwhelmed.
I have not started part 2 of my TMA I am a bit, OK a lot behind but great news!!! I am off this week, I have accrued 80 hours of annual leave, and I had to book off the Christmas period, but my Team Manager said to me to try and book time off now because I will lose my annual leave as it runs out on the 31st of January. So, this week, starting tomorrow Monday the 12th, I am going to get up like I would if I was going to work, get ready for the day, and at 8:00 am start studying. I will give myself a 15 min break at 10:00 like I would do if I was at work, plus that is the time I take my morning tablets. I will then go back to studying, and although I want to have a breather, I will push forward. My tutor did say she will give me an extension because I had to have an injection on Tuesday but on Wednesday I had to have the day off work because I was in so much pain after the injection. I was in bed all day Wednesday, and I have fallen behind. I don't want to have an extension, but I will ask for one if I feel that I cannot get it in on time.
This is the last TMA this year as the next one is not due until February. So I have a plan. After this TMA I am going to still study for Christmas week, I will study the Study Skills, also I may go to OpenLearn and look at how to write essays so I can get better, I will study the course materials, I am going to make sure that this time I am going to be 3 weeks ahead, and every TMA week stop studying and write my TMA. After that week go back to where I was.
I could also, if I am 3 weeks ahead, on the study planner when it is TMA week, I could write my essay, go to all the tutorials, tweek my essay, and TMA week, I could just make sure that it is right, make sure that I have all the evidence supported and I could do a great job, then put it in on time and I will be able to plan my TMA during that block so when that TMA is due I will be already ahead and send it off. Then go back to the module and continue that way. I will always be ahead and when it comes to the EMA I may be able to go back on the TMA 02 block and read the chapters I didn't get a chance to ready so I can do a great job. I mean if I find this hard, I am on Stage 2 next and that will be even harder but, if I get into some really good study practice, then when the stage 2 module website opens I will begin to study, and hopefully, always be ahead. Then again, as it starts in October, I will have the Christmas period. I am getting so ahead of myself, I need to concentrate on this TMA.
Well on Friday the 9th I went out for a pub late lunch with the team I am in at the OU. I had a really lovely time. On Friday this week, it is the OU Christmas party at Bistro Live and, if I'm honest I don't want to go. It's not my thing. I did pay the money and yes it will be after my TMA so I will be much more relaxed (if I don't ask for an extension) but I know what it is going to be like. You know how you know and it is something that I am just not looking forward to. If it is dancing on the tables as I remember, I will not be getting up dancing so I will be sitting down, yes I will like the music, maybe. There is going to be karaoke which I will not do because I cannot sing and I will be stone-cold sober, and even if I was drunk I will still say no to doing it. I do not have the confidence to do it and I do not want to embarrass myself in front of a hell of a lot of people, so no thank you.
Also, on Friday I met Kirsty, who is on my team. Well met face-to-face. She is great, but she was asking me to go out clubbing with her, it is not my thing and I said I would but I won't. She was drunk so she may not remember but even if she does, the answer will be a resounding NO. What she said was, we could go out, she will make sure I have a seat because I do not want to stand up all night with a stick, then she said she will go off dancing, we will meet other people and at the end of the night we will meet up again and talk about our night out. I don't know if it is me or not, but if I go out with someone I want to go out with them and I expect them to stay with me. I am not comfortable going to a club and sitting by myself waiting for her to come back to me to make sure I am OK and then for her to go off. I get that, that is the way she is but...not for me. so when she was saying that I was thinking yeah not happening but I didn't say anything so I let her talk. But he is a great girl and I like her but, I will not go out clubbing with her. I will go out for a meal, go to the pub but not clubbing, it's not my thing and I don't want to meet a guy at a club. All he will want is sex which is not what I am looking for. I want a relationship which I am guessing will never happen and that's OK. I am OK with being on my own, I am OK with doing what I am doing, working part-time then coming home to study or writing my stories. I am OK with that. It may not be what other people want, but it is what I want so I am OK with being like that. Kirsty was saying she wants me to go out and have fun, but what she doesn't understand is that I do have fun, it's just not her fun but again I am OK with that. I am starting to get my personality back, bit by bit, it's just not going out clubbing until 4 or 5 in the morning. I have an illness so that makes things difficult, which is why I don't drink people think if I am not drinking then I am not having fun. I don't need a drink in my hand to have fun, I am perfectly OK with being me it's just other people may find it boring. I don't care they are not me so who cares?
I will write either just before Christmas or after Christmas. If it's after Christmas then have a wonderful Christmas everyone. Stay safe, stay warm and enjoy the time you have with whatever you are doing.
My TMA 01 assignment passed thank goodness.
It is now TMA 02 week and I am struggling a lot on this one. I was a bit unsure why Art had anything to do with cultures or Creative writing for that matter, but I read the EMA question and realized why. What we need to do for that question is we need analyze words and to be able to do that we need to practice analyzing what better way to practice? Is practice on Art. So I get why we need to do this, but I am no good at it, really no good at it.
My tutor is awesome! I emailed her asking if I have the question correct and she did explain it better which is great because if I do not understand it then how on earth am I going to pass? I want to pass this module but I have to take it one assignment at a time otherwise I really will get overwhelmed.
I have not started part 2 of my TMA I am a bit, OK a lot behind but great news!!! I am off this week, I have accrued 80 hours of annual leave, and I had to book off the Christmas period, but my Team Manager said to me to try and book time off now because I will lose my annual leave as it runs out on the 31st of January. So, this week, starting tomorrow Monday the 12th, I am going to get up like I would if I was going to work, get ready for the day, and at 8:00 am start studying. I will give myself a 15 min break at 10:00 like I would do if I was at work, plus that is the time I take my morning tablets. I will then go back to studying, and although I want to have a breather, I will push forward. My tutor did say she will give me an extension because I had to have an injection on Tuesday but on Wednesday I had to have the day off work because I was in so much pain after the injection. I was in bed all day Wednesday, and I have fallen behind. I don't want to have an extension, but I will ask for one if I feel that I cannot get it in on time.
This is the last TMA this year as the next one is not due until February. So I have a plan. After this TMA I am going to still study for Christmas week, I will study the Study Skills, also I may go to OpenLearn and look at how to write essays so I can get better, I will study the course materials, I am going to make sure that this time I am going to be 3 weeks ahead, and every TMA week stop studying and write my TMA. After that week go back to where I was.
I could also, if I am 3 weeks ahead, on the study planner when it is TMA week, I could write my essay, go to all the tutorials, tweek my essay, and TMA week, I could just make sure that it is right, make sure that I have all the evidence supported and I could do a great job, then put it in on time and I will be able to plan my TMA during that block so when that TMA is due I will be already ahead and send it off. Then go back to the module and continue that way. I will always be ahead and when it comes to the EMA I may be able to go back on the TMA 02 block and read the chapters I didn't get a chance to ready so I can do a great job. I mean if I find this hard, I am on Stage 2 next and that will be even harder but, if I get into some really good study practice, then when the stage 2 module website opens I will begin to study, and hopefully, always be ahead. Then again, as it starts in October, I will have the Christmas period. I am getting so ahead of myself, I need to concentrate on this TMA.
Well on Friday the 9th I went out for a pub late lunch with the team I am in at the OU. I had a really lovely time. On Friday this week, it is the OU Christmas party at Bistro Live and, if I'm honest I don't want to go. It's not my thing. I did pay the money and yes it will be after my TMA so I will be much more relaxed (if I don't ask for an extension) but I know what it is going to be like. You know how you know and it is something that I am just not looking forward to. If it is dancing on the tables as I remember, I will not be getting up dancing so I will be sitting down, yes I will like the music, maybe. There is going to be karaoke which I will not do because I cannot sing and I will be stone-cold sober, and even if I was drunk I will still say no to doing it. I do not have the confidence to do it and I do not want to embarrass myself in front of a hell of a lot of people, so no thank you.
Also, on Friday I met Kirsty, who is on my team. Well met face-to-face. She is great, but she was asking me to go out clubbing with her, it is not my thing and I said I would but I won't. She was drunk so she may not remember but even if she does, the answer will be a resounding NO. What she said was, we could go out, she will make sure I have a seat because I do not want to stand up all night with a stick, then she said she will go off dancing, we will meet other people and at the end of the night we will meet up again and talk about our night out. I don't know if it is me or not, but if I go out with someone I want to go out with them and I expect them to stay with me. I am not comfortable going to a club and sitting by myself waiting for her to come back to me to make sure I am OK and then for her to go off. I get that, that is the way she is but...not for me. so when she was saying that I was thinking yeah not happening but I didn't say anything so I let her talk. But he is a great girl and I like her but, I will not go out clubbing with her. I will go out for a meal, go to the pub but not clubbing, it's not my thing and I don't want to meet a guy at a club. All he will want is sex which is not what I am looking for. I want a relationship which I am guessing will never happen and that's OK. I am OK with being on my own, I am OK with doing what I am doing, working part-time then coming home to study or writing my stories. I am OK with that. It may not be what other people want, but it is what I want so I am OK with being like that. Kirsty was saying she wants me to go out and have fun, but what she doesn't understand is that I do have fun, it's just not her fun but again I am OK with that. I am starting to get my personality back, bit by bit, it's just not going out clubbing until 4 or 5 in the morning. I have an illness so that makes things difficult, which is why I don't drink people think if I am not drinking then I am not having fun. I don't need a drink in my hand to have fun, I am perfectly OK with being me it's just other people may find it boring. I don't care they are not me so who cares?
I will write either just before Christmas or after Christmas. If it's after Christmas then have a wonderful Christmas everyone. Stay safe, stay warm and enjoy the time you have with whatever you are doing.